Tasks (4.4)

This article applies to P2 Field Operator: Explorer Edition version 4.4. For the latest help, see Cases.

In Field Operator, tasks can be prioritized, assigned, updated, and added to today's journey.

Tasks are a feature of the Route Surveillance capability, which is an optional component of Field Operator.

The fields in a task form may vary depending on the form configuration. 

Finding a Task

Select Tasks on the Navigation Ribbon in Map View, Grid View, or Location Detail.

In Map View

A list of all open tasks is displayed in the Information Panel on the left side of the screen. A task will remain on this list for two days after it is closed.

Priority Colour
1 Red
2 Yellow
3+ Blue

Tasks are assigned a priority, which is indicated by the:

  • Color of the flag on the left side of the Location Summary.
  • Color of the map marker.
  • Number on the flag.

Click on a Location Summary, or a Map Marker to open a task in the Location Overview.

Location Overview:

1. Location Name of the currently selected location.
2. Tasks Tasks is the active tab selection; there are five editable tasks at this location.
3. Task List

Click on:

  • The drop-down arrow to select a task from the list, or
  • The chevrons to step through the task list.
4. Status

Publish, visit, and plan status icons.

In Grid View

View a list of all tasks for the last three months for each location, or sort the tasks by assignment.

1. Route Name of the currently selected route.
2. Tasks Tasks is the current ribbon selection.
3. Sort

The task list can be sorted by selecting:

  • My Open Tasks
  • My Completed Tasks
  • Unassigned Open Tasks, or
  • All Open Tasks.
4. Location Click on a location to view a list of all tasks for the location, from the last three months.
5. Task List The list of tasks for the selected sort option, or location.
Click on a task in the list to open the task for editing.
Incomplete tasks, and those that have been completed within the last 2 days, are editable.

In Location Detail

View the list of tasks for the selected location or entity.

1. Tasks Tasks is the current ribbon selection.
2. Entity There is one task for this entity.
3. Tasks List The entities from the selected location which have an assigned task.
4. Location Click on the Summary to display a list of all the tasks for the location.

To open a task:

  • Click on an entry in the tasks list, or

  • Click on an entity from the list on the left side of the screen.

To open the task summary:

  • Click on the task icon.

The task summary:

1. The task priority
2. The option to add the task to Today's Journey.

Updating Tasks

Open tasks, and those that have been completed within the last 2 days, are editable.

1. Title The name given to the task.
2. Tasks Details

Click on one of:

  • Description
  • Reason for State
  • Potential Impact
  • Recommended Action

to open the data entry box and enter descriptive details about the task.

  • Click outside the box to close it and return to the task.
  • Click on the X to clear the field.
3. Priority Click in the data entry field and enter a number to assign a priority to the task.
4. Status

Click in the data entry field and select from the list of options:

5. Category Click in the data entry field and select from the list of options.
6. Assigned To Click in the data entry field and select a name from the list.
7. Due Date Click in the data entry field and use the number pad, or date picker to enter new date.
8. System Data These entries are generated when the task is created and completed, and are not editable.
9. Commentary

Select to:

1. Add a new comment.
2. Edit an existing comment, or

3. Reply to an existing comment..

10. Attachments

Click on:

1. The Attachments tab.
2. The upload an attachment box.

3. An upload option

11. Action Buttons

Click on buttons to:

  • Save - Save your changes.
  • Cancel - Discard unsaved changes and close the task.
  • Revert - Discard unsaved changes and keep the task open.

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