Embedded Trend

This article applies to version 4.10.2 and later of P2 Explorer. For more, see Release History.


The embedded trend component includes most of the functionality of the Explorer Trend. It is used when a trend is needed on an Explorer page, and can be opened as a full page trend if access to all of the trend features is required.

Using the embedded trend component saves on browser resources and offers an integrated experience with the rest of the Explorer page, compared to embedding an Explorer trend on the page.

Traces can be added to an embedded trend in the configuration and in the display mode, but can only be saved as part of the trend when added in the configuration.

Related: Using an Embedded Trend.

Quick Start

You can add an embedded trend to a page with no configuration whatsoever - simply drag and drop it onto the canvas and save the page.

Watch: This video [1:59] to see how to add items to an embedded trend in Studio and in display mode. You can drag and drop, or in Studio you can also type into the Search box, to add attribute values, tags, calculation tags, and ad hoc calculations.


The default configuration can be customized to suit your application.


Embedded Trend Title

Add an optional title to the trend.


Saved Explorer Trends

Select Use Saved Trend to embed a saved full page trend onto the page.

Note: Embedding a saved trend uses more browser resources and reduces performance and page integration options.

Read more: Embed a Templated Trend



Trend Data

Data can be added to an embedded trend in Design Mode and Display Mode. Either drag and drop tags and attributes from from the Tags or Hierarchy Navigators, or search for data in the Search box.

Related: Tag Search and Hierarchy Navigation



Trend Appearance

Set Toolbar, Controls, Auto Range and Trace Table  display options.

If Auto Range is selected in the configuration, it is automatically applied to each trace that is added to the chart. This applies to traces added in the configuration and in display mode.

The Toolbar, Controls and Trace Table display options can also be selected in display mode.



Data Sampling

Start Time: The start of the trend range. The default value is the page default for startTime.
End Time: The end of the trend range. The default value is the page default for endTime.
Sample Interval: The method (e.g. average) that P2 Server uses to collect the trend data. The default value is the page default for pageSampleInterval.
Sample Method: The interval (e.g. 1 week) that P2 Server uses to collect the trend data. The default value is the page default for pageSampleMethod.




Hairline Mode: The number of hairlines allowable on the embedded trend (Single, Dual, Multiple or None). The default is None.
Hairline Start: The time of the left-most hairline. If the Hairline Mode is Single, Hairline Start and Hairline End will have the same value. The default is the variable, hairlineStart.
Hairline End: The time of the right-most hairline. The default is the variable, hairlineEnd.
Hairline Display Options:
Select which labels, if any, to show on the hairline.



Entity Context

Set the Entity Context if you have an ad hoc calculation as part of the embedded trend data. selectedEntity will update for the selected entity on the Hierarchy Navigator, if you open the page from the entity's Table of Contents ribbon tab.


8. The top left cell of a page is specified as Column 0, Row 0.

Related: Grid Layout.


Embed a Templated Trend

To use a Templated Trend as the Saved Trend:

1. Set the Entity Context in the embedded trend configuration to Variable and choose a variable

2. In Page Properties under Entity Mapping, select the same variable as above

Read More: Opening Page Properties, Templated Trends


If you're unfamiliar with the process of building pages, read the article Building an Explorer Page.

In this tutorial, we'll add an embedded trend to a page in Studio, add a trace from a navigator, and configure the trend to show the toolbar, and to have the option of adding a hairline.

Note: This configuration uses the Sample Data table and datasets that can be optionally made available during initial installation and setup. If you don't have access to this data, you will need to adjust the configuration to suit your data at your site.

Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page

To start, click the New Page button on the Home tab of the ribbon. Choose the Grid layout.

Step 2. Add an Embedded Trend

Drag and drop the Embedded Trend component onto a grid cell. The Embedded Trend is in the Chart chartsicon_sm group.

The page can now be saved and used with the default values and configuration.

Default values:

Read more: Default Values Panel

Step 3. Configure the Embedded Trend

To add a trace to the trend from a navigator:

1. Click Hierarchy on the shortcut menu to open the Hierarchy Navigator.

2. Select a hierarchy and an entity.

3. Open the Attributes Panel and click on the required attribute.

4. Drag and drop the attribute value onto the data panel and close the hierarchy navigator.

Follow the same steps using the Tags Navigator, to add a tag to an embedded trend.

Select Show Toolbar to in the configuration to display the toolbar.

Open the Hairline Mode dropdown menu and select Single to enable the ablility to add a single hairline to the trend.

Step 5. All done!

Congratulations! You now have an Embedded Trend showing an attribute value and the Toolbar, and to which you can add a hairline.

  • Click the preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in display mode.
  • Select different options from the Toolbar and observe the changes in the embedded trend.
  • Click on the trend to see a hairline.

save Remember to save your page!

Release History

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