Linking to a Trend

This article applies to versions 4.9.10 and later of P2 Explorer. For more, see Release History.

P2 Explorer allows you to link to a trend via a URL. There are 2 ways of doing this:

  • Sharing a link to a trend through the P2 Explorer framework. You can link to a saved trend or a blank trend.
  • Creating a dynamic trend by manually entering a URL, and adding parameters to the URL.

Security considerations

  • When you share a saved trend, it will only be visible to people who have permission to view the workspace in which it is saved. The exception here is your Private Workspace; users can view a trend shared from your private workspace, while not having access to the workspace itself.
  • People who do not have permission to view the included tags or attributes will not be able to view data for those tags or attributes.

Related: Linking to a Page

Option 1. Sharing a link through Explorer

To create a trend link using Explorer, open the trend and then click the Share button on the Trend toolbar and select Share Link. This allows you to share the saved trend, or the current state of a trend (i.e. with the current selected options such as time range, sample interval, tags, calculations, etc.).

When a user clicks a link shared this way, the trend will either open in a tab inside the P2 Explorer framework, or as a separate tab in the browser.

When the Share Link dialog box opens, copy and paste the URL into an email, or wherever you intend to use it.

Note: People who do not have permission to view the included tags or attributes will not be able to view data for those tags or attributes.

How the link is constructed

Saved trends are constructed differently to blank trends.

Saved Trends

When a trend is saved, it is assigned a unique number (called a GUID) that identifies the trend. The GUID is represented with a long sequence of letters and numbers. E.g. /Guid/29fb9f2c-4324-ed11-a98d-005056b651de

Framed or Frameless URL

Select Frameless URL to open the trend outside of the P2 Explorer framework. A frameless URL has the parameter frameless=true appended to the URL.

When the check box is cleared, the frameless parameter is not added, and the resulting URL opens the trend within the Explorer framework.

Current State

Preserve the current state of the trend by selecting Preserve State, this will add an ID number after the GUID (e.g. 5).

The ID represents the current state of the trend at a particular point in time, and will increment each time the Share Link function is selected. Any link with an ID will open the trend to the point in time the link was constructed.

To link to the latest saved version of a trend, share the URL created without selecting Preserve State.

Private Trends

A trend that has been saved to My Workspace is assigned a Link Key that identifies the trend, and a State ID. The Link Key is represented by a long sequence of letters and numbers that identifies the trend. The State ID represents the current state of the trend, which is saved in the database with an incrementing ID every time this dialog box is opened.

Blank Trends

Unsaved blank trends do not have a GUID.

If Preserve State is selected the trend will open to the current state of the trend's variables, if Preserve State is not selected the trend will open with the default trend variables.

Option 2. Dynamic trend via URL

You can choose to share a dynamic trend via a URL which uses a list of variables to specify the tags, as well as some of the trend controls. This allows you to link to a trend with certain options already selected, such as tags, time range, sample interval, etc.

How the URL is constructed

The URL can be for a saved trend (where there is a GUID) or for a new, unsaved trend (with no GUID), called "Blank Trend".

Blank Trend URL

The standard format of a blank trend URL is as follows:

[Explorer URL]/trend[?variable list]

If you copy the URL for a particular unsaved trend (Blank Trend) with Preserve State selected, the state id is included:

[Explorer URL]/trend/[state][?variable list]

Saved Trend URL

The standard format of a saved trend URL is as follows:

  • With Preserve State selected it is the current state of the trend

[Explorer URL]/Trends/Guid/[GUID]/[state][?variable list]

  • Without Preseve State selected it is the saved version of the trend

[Explorer URL]/Trends/Guid/[GUID][?variable list]

Private Trend URL

The syntax is slightly different for a trend that has been shared from a private workspace (My Workspace):

[Explorer URL]/trends/trends/shared?linkKey=[link key]&stateId=[state]

Adding Variable Parameters

To use a variable in the URL, add a question mark ? followed by the list of variables in the format variable name=variable value. Separate multiple variables with &



If you want the trend to be frameless (with no header or ribbon), append &frameless after the list of variables to the URL:


Variable Parameters

This table lists the available variables and how to use them. The variables correspond with various controls available on the trend.

Important: The variables you use affect the time range of the chart, data collection method and interval, Y Scale Type, and number of allowable hairlines, as well as trace items such as tags. It is important that you consider the amount of data that your trend will fetch, and how this affects Explorer's performance. For example, do not request three months of data at a five second sample interval. Read more about how P2 Server fetches the data.

Note: The URL parameters are case-sensitive. 

Variable Format/Options

Format: ISO8601 date string.

Example (UTC): endTime=2021-12-01T00:00:00Z
Example (Local Time): endTime=2021-12-01T00:00:00


Format: ISO8601 date string.

Example (UTC): startTime=2021-12-01T00:00:00Z
Example (Local Time): startTime=2021-12-01T00:00:00


Options are: Average, LinearInterpolate, LastKnownValue, Raw, AdaptiveRaw

Example: sampleMethod=Average

Related control:


Format: Number of seconds

Note: The number of seconds must correspond to one of the options available in the related trend control.

Options are: 

Seconds Corresponds to this Sample Interval
1 1 second
5 5 seconds
10 10 seconds
20 20 seconds
60 1 minute
120 2 minutes
300 5 minutes
600 10 minutes
1200 20 minutes
1800 30 minutes
3600 1 hour
28800 8 hours
43200 12 hours
86400 1 day
604800 7 days
1209600 14 days
2592000 1 month
7862400 3 months
15811200 6 months

Example: sampleInterval=60

Related control:


The timeBoundMode tells the trend what times to use, and is set to one of the trend time variables.

The Duration parameter is not used with the variables:

  • ByStartTimeToEndTime - the Start Time to the End Time
  • ByStartTimeToCurrentTime - the Start Time to Now

The Duration is used, and can be set, with the variables:

  • ByFixedPeriodFromStartTime - the Start Time to a Duration
  • ByFixedPeriodFromEndTime - the End Time, with the Start Time being the specified End Time minus the Duration
  • ByFixedPeriodFromCurrentTime – to Now, with the Start Time being Now minus the Duration

Format: timeBoundMode=trend time variable

Example: timeBoundMode=ByStartTimeToEndTime

Example: timeBoundMode=ByFixedPeriodFromCurrentTime&duration=1 month

The Start Time, End Time and Duration field values are those being used by the trend, unless otherwise set in the URL.

Note: The duration parameter should not be used with ByStartTimeToEndTime or ByStartTimeToCurrentTime.


Describes the way the points are distributed in the y-axis direction.

Options are: Linear, Log

Example: scaleType=Linear

Related control:


Specifies the line drawing algorithm to use to join the data points up.

Options are: Linear, Log

Example: interpolationType=Linear

Related control: There is no specific control that relates to this parameter.


Specify how many hairlines should be allowed.

Options are: None, Single, Dual, Multiple

Example: hairlineMode=Single

Related control:


Sets the duration of the trace.

The duration can be the current value on the trend, set in the URL, or determined from the difference between start time and end time of the trend.

Options are: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 5 days, 1 week, 4 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year, 2 years

Example: duration=1 week

Full example showing start time and end time as well: week&startTime=2021-12-01T00:00:00&endTime=2021-12-08T00:00:00

Related controls:


Shows or hides the trend controls:

Options are: True, False

Example: showControls=True

Related control:


Shows or hides the trend's range selector:

Options are: True, False

Example: showRangeSelector=True

Related control:



Shows or hides the trend's trace table.

Options are: True, False

Example: showTraceTable=True

Related control:


The list of tags to be shown on the trend.

The tags must be enclosed in curly brackets {} and separated by a comma.

Format: Tag name
Example (single tag): tags={PIPERPV01.001}

To specify a list of tags, use tags=tag1,tag2 etc
Example (multiple tags): tags={PIPERPV01.001},{PIPERPV02.001}


The list of entities to be shown on the trend.

The entities must be separated by a comma.

Note: The URL parameters selectedEntities, templates, attributes, and attributeValues are all designed to be used together. These parameters do not work when used in isolation, although the URL will still be valid. When using these parameters, selectedEntities and attributes are both required.

Format: Entity name
Example (single entity): selectedEntities=Anstey

To specify a list of entities, use selectedEntities=entity1,entity2 etc
Example (multiple entities): selectedEntities=Anstey,Archer


The list of templates to be shown on the trend.

The templates must be separated by a comma.

Note: The URL parameters selectedEntities, templates, attributes, and attributeValues are all designed to be used together. These parameters do not work when used in isolation, although the URL will still be valid. If template is omitted, the entity's primary template will be used.

Format: Template name
Example (single template): templates=Region

To specify a list of templates, use templates=template1,template2 etc
Example (multiple templates): templates=Region,Area


The list of attributes to be shown on the trend.

The attributes must be separated by a comma.

Note: The URL parameters selectedEntities, templates, attributes, and attributeValues are all designed to be used together. These parameters do not work when used in isolation, although the URL will still be valid. When using these parameters, selectedEntities and attributes are both required.

Format: Attribute name
Example (single attribute): attributes=Choke

To specify a list of attributes, use attributes=attribute1,attribute2 etc
Example (multiple attributes): attributes=Choke,Temperature


The list of attribute values to be shown on the trend.

The attribute values must be separated by a comma.

Note: The URL parameters selectedEntities, templates, attributes, and attributeValues are all designed to be used together. These parameters do not work when used in isolation, although the URL will still be valid. If attributeValue is omitted, the default value of the attribute will be used.

Format: Attribute value name
Example (single attribute value): attributeValues=Actual

To specify a list of attribute values, use attributeValues=attributevalue1,attributevalue2 etc
Example (multiple attribute values): attributeValues=Actual,Planned


Release History


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