Using Data Tables

This article applies to version 4.4.5 and later of P2 Explorer. See Release History for more.


P2 Explorer Data Tables display your data in tabular format (rows and columns). Possible configuration options include grouping your data, filtering, sorting, hiding, resizing or pinning columns.

Your data table may also show totals such as average value, maximum, count and so on (depending on how it has been pre-configured).


Data Table Features

Data table features and functionality may vary, depending on how the table is configured.

1. Sort:

Click a column header to sort in ascending (click once) or descending (click twice) order. Click a third time to unsort.

2. Open column functions menu:

Click the down arrow to the right of the column header. This menu may include the option to group this column, and there may be an option to pin the column.

3. Filter:

Type text in the filter edit box below a column header. You can filter on more than one column.

4. Resize column:

Hover between two column headers, until you see a resize pointer. Then drag to left or right.

5. Open grid menu:

Click the menu button on the top right of the table. The menu has the option to clear all filters, and to show/hide the various columns (by name).

6. Scroll:

Scroll horizontally or vertically using the scrollbars.


Note: Your data table may have a footer, and it may include a column aggregate for various columns (average, minimum, sum, etc.), if so configured.

Column Functions Menu

Click the little arrow next to a column header, to open that column's function menu.

The Column Functions Menu lists various menu items for a column. These depend on how the column was configured in design time, as well as the selections you have already made for this column, or another.

Here are some of the menu items from a column functions menu:

1. Sort:

Click the applicable menu item to sort the column Sort Ascending/Sort Descending/Remove Sort. (You can also click the column header to sort.)

2. Hide Column:

Click to hide the column from the dataset table.

3. Group:

Click to group the column. Equal values within the column are grouped together. (Note that you can ungroup a grouped column.)

4. Pin:

Click Pin Left or Pin Right to pin a column to the left or right of a table, fixing it in position when you use the horizontal scrollbar.

Grid Menu

The Grid Menu allows you to hide columns from the data table (or show hidden columns), as well as clear all column filters; it is only available if your data table has been configured to show it.

1. Open/Close grid menu:

Click the little button on the far right of the dataset table, to open the grid menu.

2. Clear all filters:

Any filters you have applied to columns will be cleared.

3. Show/Hide column:

Hover over a column header name in the list, then click to hide that column from the dataset table (a hidden column is preceded by a cross ). Click again to show the column again (a visible column is preceded by a tick/check ).

Grouping in a Data Table

The data table may be configured to enable grouping.

1. Group by a Column:

Click the down arrow to the right of the column header to open the Column Functions Menu, then select the Group menu item. The grouped column moves to the leftmost side of the table.

Note: You can group more than one column.

2. Ungroup a Column:

Click the down arrow to the right of the column header to open the Column Functions Menu, then select the Ungroup menu item.

3. Expand all Groups:

Click the plus button to the left of the column headers to expand all groupings.

4. Expand a Single Group:

Click the plus button to the left of the grouping to expand that group.

5. Collapse All Groups:

Click the minus button to the left of the column headers.

6. Collapse a Single Group:

Click the minus button next to an expanded group, to collapse it.

Using the Paging Control

If the data table has been configured to use the paging control, you will see a page control bar below the table. Use this for paging through the table contents.

Note The page size (number of rows per page) is defined in the data table configuration.

1. Click First to return to the first page.
2. Click Previous to get the previous page.
3. Type in a page number to get that page. The total number of pages appears to the right of the edit box.
4. Click Next to get the following page.
5. Click Last to get the last page.


Data Table Demo

Watch the video below to see how to manipulate a data table.


Release History

New in this release (4.4.5):

  • You can now update text labels or other controls with the values from a selected row (depending on the data table's configuration).
  • You can now select a row in a data table, by selecting from another control, for example a combo box (depending on the data table's configuration).
  • Text wrapping in columns.


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