Attributes – An Overview

Where an entity defines a real world or conceptual object, it is the attributes of an entity that describe the characteristics of that object. It’s these characteristics, or attributes, that are associated with data that we generally want to model.

For example, an organisation may have a number of wells. Each well has a number of characteristics, such as THP and Choke. These characteristics are called attributes, and they are generally the thing that we are interested in finding detailed information about so that we can optimise production.

Related: Entities, Templates

We can then break these attributes down even further to gain an insight into different aspects of that type of data.

For example, if we look at an attribute such as Flow Rate, we may have a number of different sources of this same data, such as Actual Value (from a historian), Theoretical Value (from a simulation), and Planned Value (from a forecasting system). Each of these attribute values can be associated with that attribute, creating a much more diverse view of your data.

The most common use of attribute values is to assign historian tags to the values. This allows us to create an asset model, where the users no longer need to remember long and complicated tag names. We can also store things like calculations, strings, and numbers to attribute values.

Let’s go up a level and look at how a list of attributes can be organised.

A well will have many attributes, and trying to find your data item in a list of 100 items is a difficult thing. We can now group these attributes in a way that makes sense so that we have an organised list. This grouping is known as attribute groups in P2 Server. We use attribute groups for asset modelling, so that attributes related to, say, Operating Data, can be grouped together. This presents a more organised display in applications such as P2 Explorer.

Related: Tag Search and Hierarchy Navigation

This is what an asset model looks like in a trend in P2 Explorer:

Note that in common usage the meaning of attribute may change, depending on our frame of reference:

  • When we are generally talking about an attribute, then we are normally referring to the attribute definition.
  • When we talk about an attribute in reference to a value it may display, then we are normally referring to the attribute value.

Now let’s get a bit more technical and look in more detail at how attributes are actually structured within the system.

Setting up an attribute consists of 4 parts, and it is assumed that at this point you have already created the Template Definition.


Attribute Group

Attributes are grouped into attribute groups. This is the recommended way of grouping attributes, instead of grouping them by defining multiple templates as was done in the past.

Related: Creating Attribute Groups

Here is an example of a set of attribute groups:

Name Description
Operating Data The entity’s Operational Data attributes
Operating Status The entity’s Status attributes
Production Data The entity’s Production data
Lab Test Results The entity’s Lab testing results

This grouping allows us to take a very long list of attributes of a single template, and split them up into different, logical sections that allow users to more easily find the data items that they are looking for.

When setting up the system, we define a global set of names for the attribute groups, which can then be used in different templates. At this stage, we do not define what attributes belong to the group, we only define the common list of group names.


Attribute Definition

The attribute definition defines which attributes are connected to each template. At this point, we are not assigning any data to the attributes, we are just setting up what will be available on a template, and which attribute group the attribute will be under.

Related: Creating  Templates and Attributes 

When defining the attribute, we are telling the system what type of data will be connected to it (time series or tabular), as well as what template and template group it will belong to.

Here is an example of an attribute definition, with the name of the associated attribute groups and templates:

Attribute Definition Name Data Type Template Definition Attribute Group Description
THP TimeSeries Oil Producing Well Operating Data Tubing Head Pressure of an oil well
Oil Flowrate TimeSeries Oil Producing Well Production Data The flow rate of oil from the well
THP TimeSeries Gas Producing Well Operating Data Tubing Head Pressure of a gas well
Gas Flowrate TimeSeries Gas Producing Well Production Data The flow rate of gas from the well


Attribute Value Definition

In version 4, we have the ability to have another level of structure underneath an attribute. These are known as attribute values.

The attribute value definition defines this sub structure underneath an attribute, and there are 2 important things to know when setting these up.

  • We must set one of these attribute values to be the default value. If a data fetch is requested for the Entity:Attribute, and no attribute value has been supplied, then the system will use the default value. This allows the system to run in the same way as it did in previous versions, where attribute values were not available.
  • The second important thing to note is how to reference an attribute value, in calculations and the like.
    An attribute value is preceded by a ! symbol, so it would be seen like Entity:Attribute!AttributeValue.  A real world example would be Well1:Flowrate!Estimated.

Here is an example of an attribute value definition:

Attribute Definition Name Attribute Value Definition Name Description Is Default
THP Actual The actual THP Value from the well TRUE
THP Planned The planned THP for the well, obtained from the forecasting system FALSE
THP Theoretical Max The maximum acceptable THP from the well as obtained from a simulation FALSE
Oil Flowrate Current Flowrate The current flow rate of oil from the well TRUE
Oil Flowrate Daily Avg Flowrate The daily average flow rate of oil from the well FALSE

We are now at a stage where the base data has been set up, and we have defined our structures. The next step in the process it to create a real entity, like a well, and define the real data items that are associated with this well.


Attribute Value

The previous parts of this article have been about setting up the structure that we will be reusing over and over, whereas now we are going to define a real world object.

Related: Configuring Entities

We have a couple of important things to note here.

  • At any point in time, not all attributes on a template need to have values. The most common time that this is seen is when you have a particular object, say a well, that does not have any telemetry for a particular attribute and therefore it can’t be measured, but all of the other wells in your business do. We do not want to create a new template just because this one well has a tiny difference to all of the others, so we can reuse our well template, and just not configure one of the attribute values. Any attributes values that are not configured will not show in applications such as P2 Explorer.
  • Attribute values are time aware, in that you can define one to be valid for all of time, or only for a specific point in time. The main use of this is when you decided to change the tag that is supplying the value.
    Let’s use an example: THP!Actual is assigned to a PI tag, Well1THP.  At some point in time, we create a new tag in PI, that has a more accurate calculation and we now want to use this new tag, Well1THP-New from this point forward. We would define that like this:
Entity Template Definition Attribute Definition Attribute Value Definition Start Time End Time Data Type Value
Hunter Oil Producing Well THP Actual NULL 6-Aug-2015 00:00:00 Tag Well1THP
Hunter Oil Producing Well THP Actual 6-Aug-2015 00:00:01 NULL Tag Well1THP-New

Note that a Start Time or End Time of NULL indicates that the attribute applies for all of time for that template instance. This is the most common start and end time for attributes.

Here is another example with multiple attribute values for a single entity:

Entity Template Definition Attribute Definition Attribute Value Definition Start Time End Time Data Type Value
Wilga Gas Producing Well THP Actual NULL NULL Tag 10TI120.PV
Wilga Gas Producing Well THP Min NULL NULL Tag 04PC736.PV
Wilga Gas Producing Well THP Max NULL NULL Decimal 100
Wilga Gas Producing Well Well Params Initial Date NULL NULL DateTime 1-Aug-2015
Wilga Gas Producing Well Well Params Well Code NULL NULL String API32235

Attributes are displayed in consuming applications such as P2 Explorer, for use in pages and trends.


Asset Modelling: Pulling It All Together

Asset modelling makes use of hierarchies, entities, templates, and attributes to give you a relevant “big picture” of your entire system.

Related: Adding a New Asset

Here is an example of bringing all of this together to model an asset:

Entity Name Template Attribute Group Attributes Attribute Values
  Water Injection Well (Primary)      
    Production Data    
      Water Consumption  
        Daily Plan (Default)
        Daily Production
    Operating Data    
        Current Position (Default)
        Differential Pressure
        Inlet Pressure
        Actual (Default)
        Theoretical Max
    Operating Status    
      Hrs Online  
        Day (Default)


What this asset model looks like in a trend in P2 Explorer:


What the asset model looks like when configuring a tag (time series) dataset in P2 Explorer:


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