P2 Verify 4.0 Released

This week sees the release of P2 Verify 4.0.

P2 Verify collects data from a variety of production facilities, plants, control systems, laboratory and manual sources, and consolidates it in an industrial-strength database before presenting it to operations personnel for validation.

Data collected from the production facility or plant is used for critical business tasks such as production allocation and equipment performance monitoring. P2 Verify collects data from existing systems, such as process historians, as well as allowing users to enter data that is not collected automatically. This data is then validated before it is released for other users and systems.

P2 Verify, along with P2 Server, is a production accounting solution aimed at managing the production data and reporting. Operations reports are produced on a daily basis. Approved data is stored in a database and then displayed to operators via P2 Explorer, or another production reporting application, such as P2 PDMS Reporting.

P2 Verify 4.0.0 supports HTML5 and is able to run in Chrome and Microsoft Edge, and is also compatible with P2 Explorer 4.9.5.

P2 Verify 4.0 also provides fixes for some issues found in previous releases, and begins to move Verify's documentation into the Explorer Help Center.

Please contact your administrator to obtain Release Notes for P2 Verify Release v4.0, available in the P2 Customer Portal.

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