
When a function accepts a value of list of values as an input, you can use operators on the values, within the function. E.g. Tag1 - Tag2.

Operator Description
+ Addition.
- Subtraction.
* Multiplication.
/ Division.
% Modulus.
** Exponent or Power.
&& Logical AND.
|| Logical OR.
& Bitwise or Binary AND.
| Bitwise or Binary OR.
^ Bitwise or Binary XOR
== Equals comparison.
!= Not Equal comparison.
< Less Than  comparison.
<= Less Than Or Equal comparison.
> Greater Than comparison.
>= Greater Than or Equal comparison
! Not comparison. 

The image below shows a matrix of the operators available, and how they resolve when they are used with various data types.

Example: If you want to add 2 variables, one with a Boolean data type and one with a Duration data type, the result will have a Duration data type. You can see this by examining the Addition table in the top left corner below.

Operator precedence follows the standard mathematical rules. Brackets ( ) can be used to specify precedence explicitly. E.g. 2 * (3 + 4).


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