

Select(Condition ,TrueValue ,FalseValue)


Returns all values within intervals between sample points from the "true value" or the "false value" parameter based on the value of the "condition" parameter.


Condition: The input Boolean value which controls whether the true value or the false value will be returned by the function for a given time period.
Behaviour: Required
Dimensions: Collection, SingleValue
Valid data types: Boolean

TrueValue: The value which will be returned when the condition is true.
Behaviour: Required
Dimensions: Expression
Valid data types: Expression

FalseValue: The value which will be returned when the condition is false.
Behaviour: Required
Dimensions: Expression
Valid data types: Expression

How to format data types


Expression: Select({Tag1} > 0, {Tag2}, {Tag3})
Result: Returns all values of {Tag2} for time periods where {Tag1} is greater than 0 and returns all values of {Tag2} for time periods where {Tag1} is 0 or less.


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