Canary Adaptor

The Canary Adaptor supports versions 22.0 and later of the Canary Historian. 

The Canary Adaptor requires the Canary Historian to be installed to access real-time and historical data from Canary. This requires a license, which is a third party component.

Adaptor Settings

The following tables list the adaptor's parameters, along with the name and type to be used in the Import/Export spreadsheet.

Parameter Description Name Type
Host Name Fully-qualified domain name of the host. HostName String
Port Number Port number of the Views Service on the host. PortNumber Integer
User Name User name to use to connect to the host. UserName String
Password Password to use to connect to the host. Password EncryptedString
Use Native Sampling Determines whether the historian's built-in native sampling should be used or P2 Server's own fallback sampling. UseNativeSampling Boolean
Tag Name Name of the tag property to use as tag name when fetching data. If this value is not specified then the adaptor will use the original tag name. Also, if this value is configured but the tag property is not found during tag discovery then the adaptor will log a warning and use the original tag name. E.g. Historian ItemId TagName String
Tag Description Name of the tag property which contains the tag descriptions. TagDescription String
Tag Minimum Name of the tag property which contains the display range minimum values of tags. TagMinimum String
Tag Maximum Name of the tag property which contains the display range maximum values of tags. TagMaximum String
Tag Scan Rate Name of the tag property which contains the tag scan rates (the values will be treated as milliseconds). TagScanRate String
Tag Units Name of the tag property which contains the tag unit names. TagUnits String


This adaptor is included in the Explorer installer.


Release History

  • Explorer 4.15.0
    • Added Tag Name parameter
  • Explorer 4.10.6
    • First version of the Canary Adaptor


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