Shift Log Release 4.9.7

P2 Shift Log version 4.9 builds on the capabilities of Shift Log 4.0 and later. It adds requested enhancements around shift management, and addresses several issues raised by customers.

In subsequent releases, we have added more options around securing entries and workbooks, added more options for sharing entries, and introduces a new feature called Form Actions, which allows pre-defined sharing configurations to be set up by administrators. Our new Reporting Data Mart also makes it possible for external queries to be written to extract data from Shift Log, in an easy to use format for use in other systems such as Power BI or SSRS.

Shift Log 4.9.7 adds a new concept in sharing, ‘Summary Tables’, which improves transparency and collaboration by being able to share selected entries to a common workbook, where users can view all entries regardless of where they were shared from . This version also adds the ability to assign an entry to a role and short names on forms.


Short Names for Forms

When configuring a Shift Log Form in P2 Server Management, it is now possible to assign a ‘Short Name’ for the form. This is used in the entry dialog heading and also in the form icons on the left.

The Short Name makes it possible for administrators to provide more meaningful and easier to remember names in the user application.


Summary Tables

This version of Shift Log introduces a new concept for sharing entries: Summary Tables and Summary Forms.

Summary Tables are designed to increase the collaboration capabilities of a workbook by providing view access to entries that a user would not otherwise be able to view.

Users can share an entry to the summary forms in a summary-enabled workbook, which makes its entries available for viewing to all users who have access to that workbook – even if the entry originated in a workbook or form they don’t have privileges to view.

Sharing Entries

The Share Entry dialog has been updated to provide the additional Workbook Summary sharing option. The previous ‘share’ behaviour has been renamed to ‘Append Form’, and remains functionally unchanged.

When the Workbook Summary option is selected, all available summary workbooks in the Shift Log system are listed below. It is possible to restrict the workbooks to only the ones relevant to the current site.

Summary Workbooks

A workbook will only appear in the Workbook Summary list when sharing an entry, if the work is configured to share summaries.

In Workbook Settings, a toggle option has been added to ‘Allow users to share summaries to this Workbook’. This must be turned on for summary workbooks.

Summary Entry Forms

In P2 Server Management, Shift Log Admin has a new section for Summary Entry Forms, which users will share entries to. These forms are to be used in a summary workbook as the destination form.

The form is configured as a normal form would be, with all the relevant fields that you would want to see in the workbook.

There is no Table View or Dialog View, but fields can be reordered under the Defaults view.

New Components: Summary Table and Summary Report

In workbook design mode, two new components have been added:

  • Summary Table
  • Summary Report

These both take a Summary Entry Form and display entries shared to the form. These are both destination-only components – you cannot create new entries here, you can only display them.

These components also introduce a new concept: ‘Composite Fields’. These fields display the contents of distinct fields with the same display name pattern, in a single column in the entry table. For example, you might have different fields for Topic Set 1, Topic Set 2, etc which are being used in different forms. In a composite field you can display all those field values as a single column.

Summary Table

The Summary Table component is a view-only table of entries shared to a summary form. Users can click a row to open the entry dialog for viewing and, if they have contribute privileges on the form, they can also edit it. However entries cannot be directly added to, or shared, from this table.

The Report - Form component complements the Shift Form component, and allows page designers to display fields from a specified shift entry on a handover report. The component is intended to display information about the shift, such as the supervisor’s name, date, and so on.

In Design Mode:

In Workbook Studio, the Summary Table component has been added to the Shift Log group in the Toolbox.

In design mode, the page designer specifies which Summary Form to display entries for, and any filters needed. The fields that were added to the Summary Form can be seen in the Table View. These can be reordered and modified as normal. Below the form fields, you can also add Composite Fields. These are always displayed before the rest of the form fields.

Summary Report

The Summary Form component is similar to other handover reports, except that it displays entries from a Summary Form. Like other handover reports, entries cannot be opened from here.

In Design Mode:

In Workbook Studio, the Summary Form component has been added to the Shift Log group in the Toolbox.

The rest of the configuration works the same way as that of the Shift Form component, but with the addition of Composite Fields, as per the Summary Table.


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