
These are the default settings in the configuration file, by default located at:

C:\Program Files\ISS\BabelFish Sentinel\Configuration\SentinelConfig.xml

Important: Do not edit any settings that are not listed here.

Note: Some of the settings listed below are specific to various processes.


Global group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="Global"> node.

These settings apply to all Sentinel components.

ConfidenceThreshold Any points of data below this confidence threshold will be suppressed. If the value is zero, this setting is switched off. Default: 1.
DateTimeFormat Presentation of the date and time throughout the user interface. To change the format, use one of the formats on the table on this web page: Default: d/M/yyyy h:mm:ss tt. Example: 31/12/2016 2:40:19 PM
MonitorChangeManagementEnabled Defines whether change management rules apply in Sentinel. Options are True or False. Default: False.
VolumeLicensingRefreshMinutes The amount of time (in minutes) between volume limit licence calculations. Default: 5.
ServerHost The hostname of the Sentinel server. Example: mymachine.
UIPort The port number of the Sentinel website. Example: 80.
SentinelHttpsEnabled When set to true, this enables encrypted protocol (HTTPS) between the Sentinel services, and between Sentinel and the P2 Server. Default: False.
IgnoreCertificateErrors When using a secured web service to handle events, the certificate on either the engine or the web service may expire. When set to true, certificate errors are ignored and the request can proceed uninterrupted. Default: True.
DefaultEmailFormat The format in which emails are sent. Options are Text or HTML. Default: Text.
HTMLEmailCSS The formatting that is automatically applied to the text in HTML emails. Formatting is applied as HTML tags. Default: h1 {color: blue;}
EventAdaptorServiceMaxConnections This setting specifies how many simultaneous queries are allowed for Event information from the Event Adaptor. It is recommended to only change this value if you are seeing slow performance when querying for data and also to not increase the value too large. Too large a value may cause timeouts when Monitors are saving Events to the database. Default: 1.
MinCharsForHierarchySearch This setting configures the minimum number of characters required in the hierarchy search box. This number must be greater than or equal to 2. Default: 3.
MaxResultsForHierarchySearch This setting configures the number of results returned in the hierarchy search. Number of results can be configured to any number between 1 and 500. Default: 100.
CorsAllowedOrigins A comma-separated list of URLs designating the origins allowed for cross-domain scripting. To allow all origins, specify *. To specify a list, add comma-separated origins, for example:, Default: *
CorsAllowedMethods A comma-separated list of methods that are allowed for cross-domain scripting. Possible values: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS. Default: GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS
CaseManagementEnabled When set to True, Case Management is enabled in Sentinel. Possible values: True, False. Default: False.
DefaultCaseTitle This is the title that Sentinel generates when a case is raised with an event, and appears in the Case page, as well as in the Explore panel for the case, in P2 Explorer. This default appears in a monitor test’s Case Title, in the Case Options section. It can be updated for a test, in Case Options. The default case title contains tokens.
Default: "Monitor: '[Monitor]' - Test: '[Test]' Raised State: '[State]”.
DefaultCaseDescription This is the description that Sentinel generates when a case is raised with an event, and appears in the Case page, as well as in the Explore panel for the case, in P2 Explorer. This default appears in a monitor test’s Case Description, in the Case Options section. It can be updated for a test, in Case Options.
Default: “”.
DefaultCaseComment This is the comment that Sentinel generates when a case is raised with an event, and appears in the Case Commentary for a case, and appears in the Case page, as well as in the Explore panel for the case, in P2 Explorer. This default appears in a monitor test’s Case Comment, in the Case Options section. It can be updated for a test, in Case Options. The default case comment contains tokens.
Default: "Monitor: '[Monitor]' - Test: '[Test]'&#xD;Raised State: '[State]' for Entity '[Entity]' at '[Timestamp]’”.
OnlyCreateCasesDefaultOption If set to True, the Case Option for a monitor’s test: ‘Only create new Cases if event state was previously severity of none’ is selected. Possible values: True, False. Default: True.
AutoCloseCasesAfterConfirmation If set to True, the Case Option for a monitor’s test: ‘Automatically close cases when Deferred Actions are complete’ is selected. Possible values: True, False. Default: True.
APlus4Enabled Allow Sentinel to raise events in A-Plus v4.14 and later. Default: False.

User Interface group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="UserInterface"> node. In this group you can configure the appearance and behaviour of the user interface.

Debug When set to true, the error messages displayed on the user interface are more explicit. Default: False.
ServiceConnectivityPollingSeconds The interval that the user interface polls the service to see if it is running. If it is not running, an error message appears. Default: 5.
BrowserRefreshSeconds Number of seconds before the Workspace Panel is refreshed to display changes made by another user. Default: 5.
NewVersionRefreshSeconds Number of seconds before a check is done to see whether another user has saved changes to the monitor. Default: 5.
EventCommentsRefreshSeconds Number of seconds before the event comments refresh. This will refresh comments added by another user. Default: 5.
EngineStatusRefreshSeconds Number of seconds before the engine status refresh. Default: 5.
MonitorVersionComments Defines whether comments are optional, required, or disabled every time that the monitor is saved. Possible values: Disabled, Optional, Required. Default: Optional.
ApprovalCommentRequired Defines whether comments are required or disabled, when a monitor is approved (if Change Management is enabled). Possible values: True, False. Default: False.
UserProcessCommentRequired When set to true, anyone creating or editing a user process must enter a comment when they save the process. Comments will also appear when opening a user process. Possible values: True, False. Default: True.
DisableEntityBasedMonitor When set to true, there is no Entity type option for a source in a monitor’s test. Default: False.
DisableTagBasedMonitor When set to true, there is no Tag type option for a source in a monitor’s test. Default: False.
AllowedHierarchyNames If you want users to only choose from certain hierarchies when creating a monitor, you can supply a comma-separated list of names here, or leave this blank to allow all hierarchy names. Default:””
ClientTimeoutSeconds The message timeout (in seconds), between the user interface and the service. Default: 1800.
ExtraActions Comma separated list of extra actions to include. Default:

Engine group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="Engine"> node. These settings apply to the Sentinel Engine component.

Debug When set to true, this enables messages to be written to Windows Performance Counters, for diagnostic purposes. Default: False.
AdminEmailAddress The email address that licence reminder notifications are sent to.
LicensingNotificationEmailHours The interval (in hours) between licence reminder notification emails. Set to 0 to disable. Default: 24.
VerboseDebugLogging A switch for verbose debug logging. Default: False.
UserProcessVerboseDebugLogging A switch for verbose debug logging for when processing occurs for a user process. Default: False.
MonitorRunTimeWarningHours The maximum time, in hours, that a monitor is allowed to run before a warning is logged to the user interface. Default: 2.
MonitorRunTimeTimeoutHours The maximum time, in hours, that a portion of the monitor is allowed to run before it times out, and an error is logged to the user interface. Default: 3.
ShutdownMonitorOnWarnings If set to true, the monitor will stop after the maximum number of engine warnings has been reached. If set to false, the monitor will continue to run. Works in conjunction with MaxWarningCount. Default: False.
ShutdownMonitorOnErrors If set to true, the monitor will stop after the maximum number of engine exception errors has been reached. Works in conjunction with MaxExceptionCount If set to false, the monitor will continue to run. Default: True.
MonitorRunnerTimeoutSeconds Number of seconds before a stuck monitor times out with a message to the user. Default: 10.
MaxWarningCount The number of engine warnings allowed before the monitor is stopped. Works in conjunction with ShutdownMonitorOnWarnings. Default: 10.
MaxExceptionCount The number of engine exception errors allowed before the monitor is stopped. Works in conjunction with ShutdownMonitorOnErrors. Default: 5.
MaxStatusMessages The number of status messages for any single monitor. After the number of status messages for the monitor exceeds this value, the oldest status message is removed. Default: 50.
MinCatchUpMonitorRunPeriodMinutes The minimum period (in minutes) that portions of data are processed. Default: 60.
We recommend you do not change this setting.
MaxCatchUpMonitorRunPeriodMinutes The maximum period (in minutes) that portions of data are processed. Default: 1440.
We recommend you do not change this setting.
MonitorThreadCount The number of monitors that can process at any time. Possible values: Must be a power of 2, and at least 8. That is: 8,16,32,64,128. Default: 32.
Do not change this setting
TestThreadCount The number of tests across all monitors that can process at any time. Possible values: Must be a power of 2, and at least 8. That is: 8,16,32,64,128. Default: 64.
Do not change this setting.
ProcessDesignerDebugThreadCount Number of debug runs which can run at any one time in Sentinel Studio. Possible values: Must be a power of 2, and at least 4. That is: 4, 8,16,32,64,128. Default:4.
We recommend you do not change this setting.
HeartbeatInterval Interval (in seconds) that the engine and the service check each other's online status. Default: 60.
HeartbeatTimeout If there is no online status response within this time (in seconds), the service disconnects from the engine. Default: 240.
LoadMonitorSource How the monitor configuration is stored and retrieved. This can be in XML or Database. Default: Database.
Do not change this Setting.
EventWriterBatchSize The number of events per batch written to the database. Default: 1000.
Do not change this setting.
NoDataBehavior The expected behaviour when no data is returned when processing continuous data. Possible values: Error, Suppress, Ignore. Default: Suppress.
NullDatumBehaviour If a datum value is null, then either an error or a warning is raised, or the behaviour is ignored, or the monitor is suppressed. Possible values: Error, Warning, Ignore, Suppress. Default: Error.
BadDataSuppressionBehavior Provides a way to control whether Bad Data Suppressions are raised or not. This is useful in conjunction with the NullDatumBehavior option as a way to ignore Null data points.  Set this to 'Retry' in order to use the BadDataRetryPeriodMinutes and MaximumBadDataRetryCount configuration options. Possible Values: Suppress, Retry, None. Default: None.
Note: Retry option was added in v4.11.
BadDataRetryPeriodMinutes Time in minutes a monitor will wait before retrying due to bad data.
This option was added in v4.11 and requires BadDataSuppressionBehavior to be set to 'Retry'. Default: 15
MaximumBadDataRetryCount Maximum number of retries due to bad data before raising a suppression.
This option was added in v4.11 requires BadDataSuppressionBehavior to be set to 'Retry'. Default: 20
MissingOrBadDataAuxDataBehavior Determines the behaviour if an Auxiliary Data item is not configured, has no data, or is bad data. Possible values:
Suppress: Suppresses the whole event (puts it into a suppression state)
Warning: Will show a warning in the UI.
Ignore: Ignores the event and it will not appear in the logs.
Default: Warning
UnconfiguredLimitString For the Alarm and the Min Max processes only. This parameter enables a feature of the system whereby un-configured attributes or attribute values that are part of a monitor test’s process limit can be ignored, so that processing is undisrupted. In P2 Server, create an entity that returns the same value as the UnconfiguredLimitString (for example, “unconfigured”). Assign this entity to assets in place of any missing attributes or attribute values. During processing in Sentinel, if any of the limits defined for the Alarm process or the Min Max process has an entity value that is equal to the UnconfiguredLimitString (in this example “unconfigured”) processing continues, whereas if the limit does not exist at all a warning or an error is raised. Default: unconfigured.
ClearWarningsAndErrorsOnSuccessfulRun If a monitor completes its run successfully, any pre-existing warning or error icon in the workspace panel that relates to that monitor is cleared. Default: True.
DataCacheMemoryWatermarkMB This parameter is used as a guideline for the amount of memory which is used by the data cache before data is flushed back to permanent storage. Default: 4096.
We recommend you do not change this setting.
IterationVisitorVisitLimit The number of times a user process is allowed to loop before the process stops. Default: 1000.
CheckDataPointCountBehaviour If the number of data points returned are not as expected for a continuous process, then either the monitor is suppressed, or a warning is raised, or the behaviour is ignored. Possible values: Suppress, Warning, Ignore. Default: Warning
MaximumREngines This setting specifies how many R calculations can be performed concurrently, from Sentinel. R calculations are queued if necessary. Default: 8.
RHostUserName The username which the out-of-process R Hosts are running under. Leaving this blank will run the process as the currently logged-in user. Default: “”.
RHostPassword The password for the ‘RHostUserName’ which the out-of-process R Hosts are running under. Default: “”.
RLibraries A comma-separated list of R libraries which determines what R functions are pre-loaded in the R Code Block. Default: “”.
RIllegalFunctions A comma-separated list of R function which are not allowed to be used in R Scripts. Default: “”.
MaximumPythonEngines Maximum number of Python Engines. Default: 8
PythonDLLOverride The full path to the python DLL to use in the engine, for custom Python installations only. Use the python DLL with the version number at the end e.g. C:\Python38\python38.dll. Leave blank to use the Sentinel Engine will use the Python that is present in the PATH.
Default: (blank)
PythonModules Comma separated list of python modules to load into a running python script. Default: (blank)

ReportingEngine group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="ReportingEngine"> node. These settings apply to the Sentinel Reporting Engine component.

ReportingEngineServicePort The port number used by the Sentinel Reporting Service. Default: 8080.
ExternalEventWriting Enable (true) or disable (false) the Reporting service. The value is determined by the Use External Reporting Database checkbox in the installer.
ExternalEventConnectionString The connection string used to connect to the Reporting Service database. Default: Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;Persist Security Info=False;User Id=;Password=;
ExternalEventTable The name of the table to which Reporting data is written. Default: SentinelEvent.
ExternalEventTableColumnMappings The tokens that the Reporting Service uses in order to insert data into the Reporting database. For a description of the tokens that can be used, see Tokens. Default:
“TestId=[N][TestId];TestName=[S][TestName]; MonitorName=[S][MonitorName];BaseEntity=[S][BaseEntity]; Entity=[S][Entity];Asset=[S][Asset];StartTime=[S][StartTime]; State=[S][State];Value=[S][Metadata.Value|N/A]; SeverityName=[S][SeverityName];MonitorId=[N][MonitorId]; IsCurrent=[N][IsCurrent];IsDefault=[N][IsDefault]; EndTime=[S][EndTime];Invalid=[N][Invalid]"
ExternalEventBatchFrequencyMinutes The frequency with which event metadata is written (as a batch) from the Sentinel database to the Reporting database. Default: 30.

Database group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="Database"> node. These settings apply to the Sentinel database.

ConnectionString The connection string that the engine uses to connect to the database. Example value: "Data Source=databaseserver1;Initial Catalog=catalogname1;Persist Security Info=False;User Id=username1;Password=ZjsudqTbpjCxkQPabRj1mA==;MultipleActiveResultSets=True".

  • Do not change this setting.
  • You define this value in the configuration form during the installation process.
  • The password is encrypted. To change the password, use the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool.
WriteEventsToDatabase Defines whether events are written to the database. Default: True.
Do not change this setting.
TransactionRetryAttempts If there is an error writing the events to the database, this is the number of times that the engine will re-try before raising an error. Default: 10.

Service group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="Service"> node. These settings apply to the Sentinel service.

ServiceDebug When set to True, the service will throw any error that occurred in the service back to the UI, instead of displaying the standard error message “The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error”. Default: True.
ServicePort The port number on which the Sentinel services should listen for connections. Example: 8080.
ServiceRootAlias The path on the Sentinel server that specifies where to host the Sentinel services. Example: Sentinel.
DefaultHistoryPeriod The default history period in the asset report. Default: Week.
MonitorStatusCacheTimeToLive The interval (in seconds) that the service waits before requesting the latest monitor status. Default: 15.
EventCacheTimeToLive The interval (in seconds) that the service waits before requesting the latest event status. Default: 10.
ImportChunkSize The number of items to import in a single batch when performing an import. Default: 20.

Actions group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="Actions"> node. These settings apply to the Microsoft® Active Directory® server, and the mail server that are used for email and SMS actions.

Note: You define all the actions group values in the configuration form during the installation process.

ActiveDirectoryLookupEnabled Enable Active Directory. If there is an Active Directory server, and you would like to use it to return contact information, then set this to True. Default: False.
ActiveDirectoryServer The Active Directory server name and address. Example value: "LDAP://ldapservername". Note: If Active Directory is disabled, then this setting is left out.
ActiveDirectoryUserName An Active Directory username, with full directory search permissions. No default; you will enter this value during the installation.
ActiveDirectoryPassword The password for the Active Directory username. No default; you will enter this value during the installation. Note: The active directory password is encrypted in the configuration file. To update the password, run the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool.
ActiveDirectoryQueryString An LDAP query string that is used as the search pattern when querying Active Directory. Default: (|(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=group))
ActiveDirectoryQueryPageSize The maximum number of matches to return from Active Directory in one request. If total matches amount to more than this value then multiple requests will be made until all matches are returned. Default: 500.
ActiveDirectoryNode1 The active directory nodes help to limit the search in Active Directory. There can be zero to many defined active directory nodes.
ActiveDirectoryNode2 The active directory nodes help to limit the search in Active Directory. There can be zero to many defined active directory nodes.

  • The ActiveDirectoryNode1..N parameters are only added to the configuration file if separate nodes have been added during the installation/upgrade process. These are defined as the LDAP paths in the Sentinel configuration screens.
  • To use these parameters, delete the comment token before ActiveDirectoryNode1
    (<!--), and the close comment token after ActiveDirectoryNode2 (-->). For Example:
    <!-- <Param Key="ActiveDirectoryNode2" Value=""/>-->
MailServerAddress The name of the SMTP mail exchange server you will be using to send email and SMS actions. No default; you will enter this value during the installation.
MailServerUserName The username used to log into the mail server. No default; you will enter this value during the installation.
MailServerPassword The password for the username used to log into the mail server. No default; you will enter this value during the installation. Note: The mail server password is encrypted in the configuration file. To update the password, run the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool.
MailServerEnableSSL When set to True Sentinel will communicate with the mail server using an encrypted SSL connection; if not, the connection will not be encrypted. Default: False.
Note: If set to True, it may be necessary to install the mail server SSL certificate on the Sentinel server; see your network administrator for more information.
ContactCacheUpdateFrequencyMinutes How often (in minutes) the Sentinel cache of contacts is updated from Active Directory. Default: 30.

Email Action group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="EmailAction"> node.

DefaultEmailActionRecipient The default recipient when you add a new email action in the user interface. Example: John Smith;
DefaultEmailActionSubject The default text that is to appear in the subject line of a new email action in the user interface. You can use tokens here. Refer to the P2 Sentinel User's Guide for tokens that can be used.
Default: "P2 Sentinel Event Notification for Monitor '[Monitor]' : '[Asset]' raised '[State]' State for Entity '[Entity]'"
DefaultEmailActionMessage The default text that is to appear in the message of a new email action in the user interface.
You can use tokens here. Refer to the P2 Sentinel User's Guide for tokens that can be used.
Default: “Monitor: '[Monitor]' Test: '[Test]'&#xD;&#xD;Asset: '[Asset]' raised State: '[State]' for Entity '[Entity]' at '[Timestamp]'&#xD;&#xD;Reason for State: [State Reason]&#xD;Potential Impact: [Potential Impact]&#xD;Recommended Action: [Recommended Action]&#xD;&#xD;Associated Event Data:&#xD;[Metadata]"
EmailFromAddress The address that is to appear in the From field of the email.
Note: You define this value in the configuration form during the installation process.

SMS Action group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="SMSAction"> node. SMS notifications are sent using the mail server as an email to an Email-to-SMS forwarding service.

DefaultSmsActionRecipient The default recipient when you add a new SMS action in the user interface. Example: John Smith; 0416 543 256
DefaultSMSActionMessage The default text that is to appear in the message of a new SMS action in the user interface. You can use tokens here. Refer to the P2 Sentinel User's Guide for tokens that can be used.
Default: "Asset: '[Asset]' raised State: '[State]' for Entity '[Entity]' at '[Timestamp]'&#xD;&#xD;Monitor: '[Monitor]'&#xD;&#xD;Test: '[Test]'"
SMSFromAddress The address that is to appear in the From field of the SMS. Note: You define this value in the configuration form during the installation process.
SMSToAddressTemplate This template uses a mobile telephone number token as part of an email address. Use the format required by your SMS repeater service provider. Example: [PhoneNumber]
SMSSubjectTemplate The subject of the email that gets sent to the SMS repeater service provider. Use the format required by your SMS repeater service provider.
SMSBodyTemplate The email message that gets sent to the SMS repeater service provider. Use the format required by your SMS repeater service provider. This must include a message token, which is replaced by the SMS message content from the user interface. Example: [Message]

Web Service Action group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="WebServiceAction"> node. In this group you can configure https security used for secured web services.

WebServiceActionUseCredentials Specify true if the web service that is called when an event is raised needs to be secured. If this is set to false, the rest of the settings in this group are ignored. Default: False.
WebServiceActionUseDefaultCredentials Specify true if the web service is to use the credentials of the user under which engine Windows web service is running. If this is set to false, you will also need to specify the username and password of the user who is to run the service. Default: True.
WebServiceActionUserName The fully qualified username of the user who is to run the service. E.g. domain\
WebServiceActionPassword The secured password generated for the WebServiceActionUserName. You should use the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool to generate the password, which will be automatically injected to this setting.

SMS Web Service Action group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="SmsWebServiceAction"> node. In this group you can configure web security used for secured SMS web services, as well as a default for the SMS recipient, and a template for the message content. You also need to specify the web service URL.

SmsWebServiceActionUseCredentials Specify true if the SMS Web service that is called when an event is raised needs to be secured. If this is set to false, the rest of the settings in this group are ignored. Default: False.
SmsWebServiceActionUseDefaultCredentials Specify true if the SMS Web service is to use the credentials of the user under which engine service is running. If this is set to false, you will also need to specify the username and password of the user who is to run the service. Default: True.
SmsWebServiceActionUserName The fully qualified username of the user who is to run the service. E.g. domain\
SmsWebServiceActionPassword The secured password generated for the SmsWebServiceActionUserName. You should use the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool to generate the password, which will be automatically injected to this setting.
DefaultWebServiceSmsActionRecipient The default recipient when you add a new web service SMS action in the user interface.
Example: John Smith; 0416 543 256
DefaultWebServiceSMSActionMessage The default text that is to appear in the message of a new web service SMS action in the user interface. You can use tokens here. Refer to the P2 Sentinel User's Guide for tokens that can be used.
Default: "Asset: '[Asset]' raised State: '[State]' for Entity '[Entity]' at '[Timestamp]'&#xD;&#xD;Monitor: '[Monitor]'&#xD;&#xD;Test: '[Test]'"
SmsWebServiceURL The URL for the SMS Web service to be called by the SMS Web Service action. The URL can include tokens.

A-Plus group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="APlusEventAction"> node. In this group you can configure the integration required to support P2 A-Plus events.

APlusServerHost Specify the name of the A-Plus server. Default: (blank).

WebServicePostProcess group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="WebServicePostProcess"> node. In this group you can configure the integration required to support the Web Service Post Process.

WebServicePostProcessUseCredentials Specify True if the web service that is called as a post process needs to be secured. If this is set to false, the rest of the settings in this group are ignored. Default: False.
WebServicePostProcessUseDefaultCredentials Specify True if the web service is to use the credentials of the user under which engine Windows web service is running. If this is set to false, you will also need to specify the username and password of the user who is to run the service. Default: True.
WebServicePostProcessUserName The fully qualified username of the user who is to run the service. E.g. domain\
WebServicePostProcessPassword The secured password generated for the WebServicePostProcessUserName. You should use the Sentinel Password Configuration Tool to generate the password, which will be automatically injected to this setting.
WebServicePostProcessURL The URL for the Web service to be called by the Web Service Post Process.
WebServicePostProcessBody The Body text to send to the Web Service.

Digital State Process group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="DigitalStateProcess"> node.

StatePair1 The first pair in the digital state drop-down list. Default: On|Off.
StatePair2 The second pair in the digital state drop-down list. Default: Running|Shutdown.
StatePair3 The third pair in the digital state drop-down list. Default: Zero|One.
StatePair4 The third pair in the digital state drop-down list. Default: 1|0.
StatePair5 The third pair in the digital state drop-down list. Default: 0|1. You can add as many of these state pairs as you want to have available in your digital state pair drop-down list.
Note: Each new setting must be named StatePair[n], where n is the next state pair number.

Shift Log 4 Event Action Group

Locate these settings under the <ConfigGroup Name="ShiftLog4EventAction"> node. These settings were added in Sentinel v4.14.

ShiftLog4EnableAction Allow Sentinel to create entries in Shift Log. Default: False
DefaultShiftLogPropertyName The name field in the entry that is raised. Default: Description
DefaultShiftLogPropertyText The text to use in the Description field of the entry that is raised. Default: '[Monitor]' Test: '[Test]'


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