Creating a Master List of Units

A Unit (also called Units of Measure, or UOM) can be associated with a tag to define the unit of values fetched from a historian.

Server Management

To create a new unit in P2 Server Management:

1. Open P2 Server Management, and click the Configuration configurationicon icon. 

2. Click Units.

3. Click Create New Unit.

Note: If you want to edit an existing unit, select it from the list below the Create button.

4. Units have 2 important requirements: Symbol and Plain Symbol. Note that these must be unique and cannot contain any reserved characters. If the symbol cannot be used, the plain symbol will be used instead. While the symbol may contain special Unicode characters, the plain symbol must not.

Related: Reserved Characters & Keywords

5. Supply a description. It's often useful to provide a broader explanation of the unit and how it will be used.

Items are ordered alphabetically (in versions before 4.5.0, they appeared in the order in which they were added, with the last one added appearing at the bottom of the list).  

 6. When you have finished, click the Save button in the top right corner.


Import/Export Spreadsheet

If you want to create units as part of a bulk configuration, you can use the Unit tab in the Import/Export spreadsheet

For details on the spreadsheet and how to obtain it, see Exporting Your Configuration.

The fields you need to fill in here are the same as the ones in P2 Server Management.

Look for the red comment commentred icon in the row headers, to get help with each column.

DO NOT fill in or change anything in the Global Id field - this is the unique identifier for the unit that allows it to be tracked across systems, and when it is renamed. It is automatically generated by the system. 



The Unit tab has no dependencies on information from other tabs. 

Read more: Understanding Object Dependencies, Updating the Configuration


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