Using a Histogram

This article applies to version 4.8 and later of P2 Explorer.

The Histogram component allows page designers to plot sets of normalized data and generate a bell curve. The component also provides a range of statistical features in a separate panel, which can be hidden if required.

Features of the Histogram

1. Statistics panel

A range of statistical values about the data including Mean, Range, Standard Deviation, Variance and Standard Error. The panel can be hidden.

5. Bell curve:

The bell curve can give an indication of how well the data fits a normal distribution curve.

2. Y-axis:

The y-axis represents the frequency count.

6. Chart data:

Each vertical bar in the histogram represents a data range, or bucket of data.

3. X-axis:

The x-axis represents the variable being measured, in this case what was selected in the Value Column in the page configuration.

7. Upper specification limit:

The upper limit of the optimal data range.

4. Lower specification limit:

The lower limit of the optimal data range.

8. Gridlines:

Gridlines make it easier to estimate values.

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