

ConfidenceCutoff(Expr ,Cutoff [,Action])


Overrides the default CalculationConfidenceCutoffThreshold and CalculationConfidenceCutoffBehavior configuration parameters when fetching tags referenced within the Expr argument.


Expr: The expression for which the confidence should be calculated.
Behaviour: Required
Dimension: Collection, SingleValue, Matrix, Error
Valid data types: Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Integer, String, Duration, Error, Null

Cutoff: Overrides the configured CalculationConfidenceCutoffThreshold. A value is regarded as bad if it is less than this value. Must be an integer between 0 and 100. 
Behaviour: Required 
Dimension: Collection, SingleValue
Valid data types: Integer

Action: Overrides the configured CalculationConfidenceCutoffBehavior. This determines how data values with a confidence less than the cutoff are treated when performing calculations.
Behaviour: Optional
Dimension: SingleValue
Valid data types: String

NOTE: Valid values for Action are:
Disabled: Do not override.
ReplaceWithLastKnownValue: Replace every datum with a confidence below the threshold with the last known value which has a high enough confidence. If no such last known value is found, search for the first known value in the future. If no such replacement value was found, both backward and forward in time, then replace the datum with an error (LowConfidenceException: “The source value has been replaced because its confidence ({0}) is lower than the confidence cut-off threshold ({1}) and no other replacement value was found with high enough confidence.”) Note: With this option, no extra fetches will be done to find good values. The algorithm operates strictly on values which are already fetched and available in memory.
ReplaceWithDatumError: Replace every datum with a confidence below the threshold with an error (LowConfidenceException: "The source value has been replaced because its confidence ({0}) is lower than the confidence cut-off threshold ({1}).”)

How to format data types


Expression: ConfidenceCutoff(Expr, 20, "Disabled")
Result: Ignores any data points with a confidence less than 20.

Expression: ConfidenceCutoff(Expr, 20, "ReplaceWithDatumError")
Result: Returns an error if any data points have a confidence less than 20.


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