



Returns the value of the expression at the specified time.


Expr: The expression being evaluated.
Behaviour: Required
Dimension: Collection
Valid data types: Boolean, DateTime, Decimal, Integer, String, Duration, Error, Null

Time: The time at which the expression is to be evaluated. If this argument is an empty collection, the function will also return an empty collection rather than an error.
Behaviour: Required
Dimension: Collection, SingleValue
Valid data types: DateTime, Decimal, Integer, String

Note: You can use the Time() function to use a valid DateTime argument.


Expression: ValueAt_Sampled({tagname}, Time() - 60)
Result: Value of tagname one minute (60 seconds) ago.

Expression: ValueAt_Sampled({tagname1} + {tagname2}, Time() - 60)
Result: Value of sum of tagname1 and tagname2 one minute ago.

Expression: ValueAt_Sampled({tagname}, ProductionDayStart(Time()))
Result: Value of tagname at the start of the production day.


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