InfluxDB Adaptor Features

The InfluxDB Adaptor supports both InfluxDB v2 and v1. 

The InfluxDB Adaptor creates a tag for every Influx measurement-tag_key-tag_value-field_key combination during tag discovery. It supports both native and fallback sampling for GET requests, and also supports PUT requests.

The adaptor can be installed via the Explorer installer.

Adaptor Requirements

The user that the adaptor will use to access the "bucket" needs read and write permissions for the bucket.

To enable a user to access the Influx bucket, run the following command (this example uses InfluxDB v1, there may be changes to security mechanisms in v2):

influx v1 auth create --username [user_name] --password [password] --read-bucket [bucket_id] --write-bucket [bucket_id] -o [organization_name]


InfluxDB Adaptor Settings

The following table lists the adaptor's parameters, along with the name and type to be used in the Import/Export spreadsheet.

Parameter Description and example Name Type
Use HTTPS When selected, uses HTTPS to connect to the host; otherwise uses HTTP. UseHTTPS Boolean
Host Name Fully-qualified name of the server machine on which InfuxDB  is hosted. HostName String
Port Number Port number of the InfluxDB on the host. PortNumber Integer
Database Name The name of the InfluxDB database to use. DatabaseName String
User Name User Name to use to connect to the host. UserName String
Password Password for the User Name used to connect to the host. Password EncryptedString
Use Native Sampling When selected, uses the historian's built-in native sampling; otherwise, use P2 Server's own fallback sampling. UseNativeSampling Boolean
Maximum Parallel Request Count The maximum number of requests to be sent in parallel to the host. MaximumParallelRequestCount Integer
Confidence Field The name of the field which contains the confidence value. If not field is configured, or the field is not found, then the default confidence of 100 will be applied to all fetched values. ConfidenceField String
Timestamp Precision The precision to use on the timestamp which is used to fetch and write values.  TimestampPrecision String

Release History

  • InfluxDB Adaptor Features 4.15
    • Initial Release

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