Installation Issues

This section describes some of the problems that may occur while installing Sentinel.



Sentinel uses Logger to log detailed application output for the purpose of reviewing, analysing, and debugging application performance.

By default, Sentinel logs are located in the following directory:

C:\Program Data\ISS\Logger

In some circumstances, this may have changed from the default location. The actual folder location is defined in the Windows registry in the following key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Common AppData.

The configuration files specified in this directory can be configured to output data to different data locations, or different devices such as a relational database.

For further information on Logger, contact Customer Support.

Sentinel Service Doesn’t Start

Problem: Error initialising ‘HierarchyService’ service when trying to start ISS.Sentinel.Service.

Description: When trying to start ISS.Sentinel.Service, Logger displays the following error:

Error initialising 'HierarchyService' service

System.ServiceModel.AddressAccessDeniedException: HTTP could not register URL http://+:8080/Sentinel/HierarchyService/. Your process does not have access rights to this namespace (see for details).

Cause: The service is not being run from an elevated account.

Resolution: Open a command prompt using ‘Run as Administrator’, and run the following command:

netsh http add urlacl url=http://+:8080/ user=<SERVICE ACCOUNT>

where <SERVICE ACCOUNT> is a qualified username such as DOMAIN\UserName.

Server Web Interface No Longer Accessible

Problem: After a reboot, the Web Interface is no longer accessible.

Background: When Explorer and Sentinel are installed on the same machine, there will be a port sharing conflict if both use the same port number. Both of these applications have port 8080 as their default port number.

Cause: There is a port sharing conflict between Explorer and Sentinel.

Resolution: Change the Sentinel port number to another, such as 8081, after ensuring that no other applications are already using this port number. Then restart the Sentinel services.

  1. In the Sentinel Configuration file:
    1. Update the ReportingEngineServicePort (in the ReportingEngine group) to the new port number (if you have a reporting database).
    2. Update the ServicePort (in the Service group) to the new port number.
  2. In Services, restart the Sentinel Services:
    - Sentinel Processing Engine
    - Sentinel Service
    - Sentinel Reporting Engine Service

Note: It is recommended to install the Sentinel Service and the Sentinel Engine on a different machine to Explorer, as both will compete for resources. It is recommended that no other CPU-intensive software is running on the Sentinel server. Refer to the Network Topology and Hardware Setup section, above.

Browser Stuck in Refresh Loop

Problem: When browsing to sentinel the browser is stuck in a refresh loop and then closes unexpectedly.

Cause: Either the Sentinel host or the Explorer Host is not included in your browser’s “trusted sites”.


  1. Add both the Sentinel host and Explorer host (or add the entire domain) to trusted sites.
  2. In Explorer Configuration, ensure that the Sentinel host has been added to the Module Hosts in the Hosts tab.

Note: If using HTTPS, ensure that fully qualified domains are configured for all hostnames.

Services Failed to Start on Install

Problem: Installation is successful but services will not start.

Cause: The wrong name for the server host has been entered during installation.

Resolution: Replace the host name in all of the WCF bindings of the Service, Engine and Reporting Engine to allow services to start. 


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