How to Configure A-Plus

The forms and hierarchy used are specific to A-Plus and need to be configured correctly for the application to work.

The configuration comprises the following steps:

  1. Assign an A-Plus secondary template to entities
  2. Assign the primary template that will be selected as the Equipment Type in the form configuration, to Area Equipment and Measurement Point Equipment entities
  3. Add the entities to a hierarchy to create an A-Plus hierarchy
  4. Select the A-Plus hierarchy in Global Settings
  5. Create a Site
  6. Add Areas under the Site
  7. Add new forms or use the default forms

Hierarchy, Entities and Templates

The hierarchy, is made up of entities which have A-Plus templates assigned to them, and has the following structure.

1.   Entities Entities in the hierarchy
2.   Type The entity type is determined by the assigned secondary template

Important: All entities in the hierarchy must be assigned an A-Plus secondary template, and in addition, equipment entities must be assigned an equipment type primary template.

Read more: Hierarchies and Entities

The templates that can be assigned to an entity as a secondary template are:

A-Plus Allocation Contains attributes for action, Cause, default action, default Cause, default Department, and default loss rate, to apply to an entity when events are raised. This should be applied to any Equipment entity (Measurement Point Equipment or Area Equipment) that is to be monitored using P2 Sentinel, and provides Causes and Reasons allocated from Server entities or tags.
A-Plus Area

Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent an area.

A-Plus Area Equipment

Assign this as a secondary template to entities that are child nodes of an Area entity. It represents equipment that belongs to an area.

Note: Area Equipment and Measurement Point Equipment are mutually exclusive.

Note: If an entity is “Area Equipment” then it is expected to have a Primary Template that defines its Equipment Type.

A-Plus Measurement Point Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent a measurement point.
A-Plus Measurement Point Equipment

Assign this as a secondary template to entities that are child nodes of a Measurement Point entity. It represents equipment that belongs to a measurement point.

Note: that Area Equipment and Measurement Point Equipment are mutually exclusive.

Note: If an entity is “Measurement Point Equipment” then it is expected to have a Primary Template that defines its Equipment Type.

A-Plus Measurement Point Group Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent a measurement point group.
A-Plus Performance Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent KPIs. Typically there would be a Target and an Actual measure applied so that the reports that show KPIs can fetch the values. This template is not strictly required for KPIs, however, as they can be configured to come from any template/attribute. E.g. A Crushing Plant may already have a tonnes per hour tag.
A-Plus Site Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent a site.
A-Plus Summary Group Assign this as a secondary template to entities that represent a summary group. This is an optional a grouping node that can contain similar equipment. This only affects the equipment selection screens in A-Plus.

Note: Only one A-Plus template should be assigned to each entity in the A-Plus hierarchy.

In this example the entity Conveyor has the primary template Stockpile Equipment and the secondary template Measurement Point Equipment.

Read more: Templates.

Entries Admin

Configuration settings that are specific to A-Plus are found on the Entries Admin page in Server Management.

   Global Settings

Select the:

  • Hierarchy to be used
  • Submitted and approved state for transactions
  • Form types that will be available

Areas are added to a site and assigned:

  • Shift patterns
  • Entity start node
  • Roles

The Loss, Availability and Gain forms can be customised, alternatively, the forms can be used in their default configuration. There can only be one form of each type for each piece of equipment.

Global Settings

These settings apply to the A-Plus application.

1.   Hierarchy

The name of the A-Plus hierarchy.

An A-Plus template must be assigned as the secondary template to entities within this hierarchy.

2.   Transaction Approvals

When enabled, all transactions:

  • Have a submit and approve state
  • Must be approved before the Master Event can be closed

When disabled, all transactions:

  • Have a submit state only
3.   Form Types Select the types of forms that can be added, viewed and edited. The form types selected here are available when entering and editing events.

Loss Used for production loss events. These forms are selected by default.
Availability An event where equipment is down but it is not causing a loss.
Gain Used when the production target is exceeded.


Areas are added to sites and determine the:

  • Form that is used for new events
  • Shift period that is used to create master event transaction records
  • Hierarchy node used as the starting point for equipment selection in events
  • Roles that can access the area's events

1.   New Area Click on Add Area to open the Area Details.
2.   Existing Area Use the search, or expand the list of sites below the search, to find the required area.

Area Details:

1.   Site The site the area is located at.
2.   Name The unique name for the area.
3.   Display Name The label for the area. This label will be used to represent the area in A-Plus.
4.   Enabled Whether the area is used and is visible in A-Plus.
5.   Transaction Shift Pattern
A shift pattern from the selected site must be assigned to the area. The period of the selected shift determines the period of each transaction record in a master event.
6.   Entity Start Node

Entity start nodes:

  • Are assigned an area entity from the hierarchy selected in Global Settings.
  • Determine what equipment can be selected in the event dialog.

Note: An area entity that is part of the nominated hierarchy, is selected as the Entity Start Node when a site area is configured. Both the area entity and the site area are different items and can have the same or different names.

7.   Assigned Roles Only users with the assigned roles will be able to see the area in A-Plus.

Entity Start Node

An area entity from the hierarchy is assigned to the Entity Start Node in the site area configuration. This part of the hierarchy then forms the equipment hierarchy in A-Plus for that particular site area, and is known by the name of the site area.

1.   Hierarchy A-Plus hierarchy. Pilbara Mines is an A-Plus area entity.
2.   Site Area configuration The area entity Pilbara Mines is assigned to site area, Area South.
3.   Equipment hierarchy The Equipment hierarchy from the A-Plus event dialog. Area South is a site area.


There are three types of forms that can be used to create events, Loss, Availability and Gain forms.

For each, the form can be used in its default configuration or it can be customised as required.

Each form type is designed for a different type of entry and has different system fields.

The form used by the event dialog is automatically selected according to the:

  • Area and Equipment Type that have been selected in the form configuration
  • Equipment selected in the dialog

Note: There can only be one form of each type, Loss, Availability and Gain, for each piece of equipment (entity).

Read more: Forms.

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