Image (4.4.0)

This article applies to versions 4.4 and later of P2 Explorer. For help on earlier versions of the Image, see Image (4.3.2).


The image component is used to display an image on an Explorer page.

The component can be configured to show one of many different images, where the displayed image is shown when a specific condition is met.

This image of a Well Schematic has a URL assigned as the default image address


You can add really complex images, such as drawings, maps or schematic diagrams to your Explorer pages. In order to overlay these images with text labels, data labels or hotspots, you should drop your image onto a Precision Layout component.

The Image Component

When configuring an image, give it a Default Image URL, and choose a way to Display it (for example, CENTER, TOPLEFT, STRETCH).

If you want the image to change under certain conditions, then Add more Images (1st Image, 2nd Image, 3rd Image) etc., specifying conditions for each.

Note: Only a single image is displayed at any time, where more than one image option is available to a single image component.

If your image is a diagram or schematic, you can overlay it with text labels and data labels, to make it more meaningful.

Note: Be careful of adding labels to images that can change, as these might not make sense with each image. If you need more than just an image change, you could consider using the Switch component.

For a full description of the Image properties, see the Comprehensive Reference at the end of this article.

Tutorial 1: Configuring a Simple Image

If you're unfamiliar with the process of building pages, read the article Building an Explorer Page.

In this tutorial we'll add an image onto an Explorer page.

There are two steps in the tutorial:

  • Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page
  • Step 2. Add and Configure an Image

Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page

In this step, we're going to open a new Explorer page in Grid layout, then add a Precision layout to one of the grid cells.

Related: Precision Layout and Grid Layout.

1. First, prepare a Studio page in Grid Layout.

Format the page so that there is a single grid with two columns and two rows.

2. Now drag a Precision Layout component onto the top right cell .

Step 2. Add an Image

In this step, we're going to add and configure an Image.

Note: If you want to display your own image, you first need to upload it to a web site.

1. Drag an Image onto the precision layout. The Image is in the Display Display group icon group.

2. Resize and position the image.

Now click on the image, to configure it in the component editor:

3. For Display: Select Options from the first drop-down list and CENTER from the second.

4. For the Default Image URL: Type the URL of the image to display,

The image is loaded and you can adjust how it is displayed.

Tip: See how your image looks within its borders. You can select the STRETCH display option if you need to resize the image. You can also resize the image borders. For more Display options, see the Comprehensive Reference.

5. To resize the image component, hover over a border then click and drag.

Click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Tutorial 2: Configuring a Simple Image with a Text Label

In this tutorial we'll add a Text Label to the image configured in Tutorial 1.

This simple example illustrates how you can overlay an image with another component. For a schematic, you might want to label each part with text and data (a Text Label and a Data Label).

There is a single step in this tutorial: Add a Text Label to the Image

First, open the Explorer page created in Tutorial 1.

Related: Text Label.

1. Drag a Text Label onto the Precision Layout, just above the Image component.

2. Resize and position the Text Label.


3. Configure the Text Label to show the Content "Yellow", and apply a centred style.

Click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Tutorial 3: Conditional Images

In this tutorial we'll add conditional images to the image configured in Tutorial 1. You can use this procedure to imitate traffic lights, for example.

We'll use Option Links to demonstrate how the image changes under changed conditions. We'll also update the Text Label to show the changes controlled by option links.

There are three steps in the tutorial:

  • Step 1. Add a Default Value and Option Links
  • Step 2. Configure the Existing Text Label
  • Step 3. Configure the Existing Image

Step 1. Add a Default Value and Option Links

In this step we're going to add a Default Value and Option Links, to control the image and text.

Related: Default Values and Option Links.

Before you begin, open the page used in Tutorials 1 and 2.

Open the Default Values, and add a new Default Value.

1. Type a variable name, selectedColour, into the edit box, of type Text, with a default value, Yellow.

2. Drag an Option Links component onto the Precision Layout, above the image component.


Now click on the option links to configure it to interact with the new default value, selectedColour.

3. Add the following list of values to Option Values: Yellow, Blue, Red.

4. In the Selected Option drop-down list, select the new default variable: selectedColour.

Step 2. Configure the Existing Text Label

We're going to configure the text label to show the selected option from the option links.

Click on the text label component, to configure it.

1. Delete the Content, and click Add Data.

2. Add the selectedColour variable, using the Value data category.

3. Update the text label style to White Large.

This is how your text label and image look now.

Note that the default value for selectedColour is displayed in the text: Yellow.


Step 3. Configure the Existing Image

Now we're going to configure the image component to have three conditional images, each one using the selectedColour variable as its condition.

Click on the image component, to configure it.

1. Click Add to add a new image to the component.

2. Click 1st Image to expand the properties of the new image.

3. In the Image URL text box, type

4. For Comparison, select Text from the first drop-down list and = from the second.

5. For Data, add the value Blue, using the Value data category.

6. For Compare To, add the variable selectedColour, using the Value data category.

7. Click Add to add a second conditional image.

8. Click 2nd Image to expand the properties of the new image, and configure as for 1st Image, with the following variations:

  • In the Image URL text box, type
  • For Data, add the value Yellow, using the Value data category.

9. Click Add to add a third conditional image.

10. Click 3rd Image to expand the properties of the new image, and configure as for 1st Image, with the following variations:

  • In the Image URL text box, type
  • For Data, add the value Red, using the Value data category.

Your image component now has a default image, as well as three conditional images.


Try out the Components

  • Click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.
  • Select Red from the Option Links.

Note how the text changes to the selected option (selectedColour, Red), and the image (a Red square) configured to the condition of Red = selectedColour is displayed.

 Watch the video below to see how the text label and image change when different colours are selected from the option links.

Comprehensive Reference

This section describes the properties of the Image component.


Defines how the image will be displayed in the container. In a grid layout the container is the grid cell; in a precision layout the container is indicated by the bounding box of the Image component:

  • Center: Display the full-sized image in the middle of the container.
  • Repeat: Repeat the full-sized image horizontally and vertically in the container, starting from the top left corner.
  • Stretch: Scale the image so that the container is completely filled by the image. When the container and the image have different aspect ratios, the image is distorted by this stretching.
  • Cover: Scale the image so that the container is completely covered by the image. Some parts of the image may not be visible in the container.
  • Contain: Scale the image so that it completely fits inside its container. There may be some areas of the container which are not covered by the image.
  • Centerleft: Display the full-sized image in the middle of the left edge of the container.
  • Centerright: Display the full-sized image in the middle of the right edge of the container.
  • Topcenter: Display the full-sized image in the middle of the top edge of the container.
  • Topleft: Display the full-sized image in the upper left corner of the container.
  • Topright: Display the full-sized image in the upper right corner of the container.
  • Bottomcenter: Display the full-sized image in the middle of the bottom edge of the container.
  • Bottomleft: Display the full-sized image in the lower left corner of the container.
  • Bottomright: Display the full-sized image in the lower right corner of the container.
Default Image URL: The URL of the image to show if none of the conditions are met, or if no other images are defined.
Images: These are the conditional images: 1st Image, 2nd Image, 3rd Image etc. Click Add to add a new conditional image.
1st Image: These are the conditional images: 1st Image, 2nd Image, 3rd Image etc. Click Add to add a new conditional image.
Note that Images have their conditions evaluated in order of precedence. If you want an image to have a higher precedence, click the up arrow to move it up the list. Likewise, you can click the down arrow next to an image, to give it a lower order of precedence. Precedence is only an issue when more than one condition is met simultaneously.
Image URL: The URL of the image to display when this condition is met.
Comparison: What the Data is compared to, and how it is compared. Choose a data type here (Number, Datetime, List, Text); Compare To must match this. How it is compared depends on the type: For example, if you are comparing to a list then you can select Compare With, Contains, Does Not Contain. If you are comparing to a number, your options are: =, >, >=, <, <= and so on.
Data: The data that is being compared. This data type matches the type in Comparison. Select a single data item, using the Data Selector.
Compare to: The value that the Data is being compared to. This data type matches the type in Comparison. Select your data, using the Dataset , Ad Hoc Calculation , Attribute , Tag , or Value data category.
2nd Image: Fill in as for 1st image.
3rd Image: Fill in as for 1st image.

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