Server FAQ

Is the hierarchy time-aware?

Yes. Hierarchy relationships are time-aware, meaning that you can assign a start time and end time for an entity to exist in a hierarchy. For example, you may commission a new well, so the new well will have a start time that is relevant to only that well.

Read more: Setting Up Hierarchies


Can I drag multiple entities onto a hierarchy?

Not at this time. You need to drag entities onto the hierarchy one at a time.

Read more: Setting Up Hierarchies


Can I apply security to an entity in a hierarchy?

P2 Security allows you to apply role-based security to both entities and hierarchies. If an entity that a user does not have permission to see, exists in a hierarchy that they do have permission to see, the entity will not appear in the hierarchy to that user.

Read more: Object Access


How do I group my attributes?

Attributes can be grouped in a way that makes sense, by using Attribute Groups. Attribute groups are used for asset modelling, so that attributes related to, say, Operating Data, can be grouped together. This presents a more organised display in applications such as P2 Explorer.

Read more: Attributes, Creating Attribute Groups


Can I add an existing attribute to a template?

Attributes are specific to templates, and are created when a template is created. Therefore you cannot assign an attribute from one template to another template. However, attribute names are unique per template, so you can have a “Max” attribute on multiple templates – you just have to define them individually.

Read more: Creating Templates and Attributes


Do tags have a max and min?

Yes. All tags can have an expected maximum and minimum value. This is configured in the Display Range setting of the Tag Details page in P2 Server Management. The Display Range values serve as a hint for user interfaces, such as the Explorer Trend, as to the expected minimum and maximum value of a tag.

Read more: Editing Tags


How does P2 Server handle confidence?

P2 Server passes confidence through the system from the datasource unchanged. The consuming application applies the rules to the data according to their requirements, since those rules might be specific to the application.

P2 Server does not perform any filtering, except where data is passed into a calculation function. This is because many of the calculation functions transform many points into fewer points. For example, we don’t want to include 274564638363 with a confidence of 0 in our calculation for Daily Production, so we need some handling for confidence in that case, but otherwise the data is passed through unchanged.

Read more: Server Confidence Handling


Can I open items in a new tab?

Yes. Sometimes, in P2 Server Management, you will want to open items in a new tab so you can more easily compare settings (e.g. templates). You can do this by using right-click or CTRL+click to open most things in a new browser tab.


Can I set the expiry time on the security token?

Yes. There is a SecurityTokenExpiry setting can be configured to anywhere between 1 hour and 3 days. The value is expressed in minutes. Recycle all application pools after updating this setting.

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