Hotspot (4.4.0)

This article applies to versions 4.4.0-4.5.3 of P2 Explorer. For the latest, see Hotspot.


The hotspot allows a user to click on a designated area of the page, and navigate to a specified location.

The hotspot component is similar to the Hyperlink. Unlike the Hyperlink with its visible Content, the Hotspot is transparent and is ideal for overlaying images, text labels, and other components.

A Hotspot in display mode

When a user hovers over a hotspot, a cursor indicates that this is a hyperlink. The hotspot borders should line up to the overlayed component, for example a text label and image.

Features of a Hotspot


Because you are overlaying another component with a hotspot, you need to use precision mode. If you drag a precision mode layout onto a grid cell, then you will be able to move the 'set' of components easily, by moving the grid cell around.

Related: Using a Hotspot, Link Action and Variable Mapping

The Hotspot Component

When configuring a hotspot component, specify what to open, where to open it, and optionally add variable mapping.

For a full description of the hotspot properties, refer to the comprehensive reference at the end of this article.


Using Multiple Hotspots

You can have multiple hotspots over a single image, as shown in this example. Or if you have a labelled image, you can place hotspots over the labels.

  In Display Mode In Design Mode  
  In display mode, you can see the cursor as the user hovers over a hotspot. In design mode, each hotspot is coloured in light pink.  


Tutorial 1: Hotspot for Weather Sites

If you're unfamiliar with the process of building pages, read the article Building an Explorer Page.

In this tutorial we'll practise adding two hotspots onto an image. We'll configure each hotspot to open a URL to another site: Perth Weather and Adelaide Weather, respectively.

There are three steps in the tutorial:

  • Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page
  • Step 2. Add an Image and a Text Label
  • Step 3. Add and Configure a Hotspot

Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page

In this step, we're going to open a new Explorer page in Grid layout, then add a Precision layout to one of the grid cells.

Related: Precision Layout and Grid Layout

1. First, prepare a Studio page in Grid Layout.

Format the page so that there is a main grid with two rows, then add another two-column grid in the bottom row, with the left grid narrower than the right as shown:

Related: Grid Layout

2. Now drag a Precision Layout component onto the right cell of the secondary grid.

Related: Precision Layout

Step 2. Add an Image and a Text Label

In this step, we're going to add and configure an Image and a Text Label.

1. Drag an Image onto the precision layout.

Related: Image

2. Resize and position the image.

3. Drag a Text Label onto the precision layout, directly above the image.

Related: Text Label

4. Resize and position the Text Label.

5. Configure the Text Label to show the content "Australian Weather", and apply a centered style.

6. Configure the image to have a Default Image URL of

Step 3. Add and Configure a Hotspot

In this step, we're going to drag a hotspot onto part of the image, and then configure it to open a weather page in a new Explorer tab.

1. Drag a Hotspot component onto the page, and position it directly over the "Perth" area in the image. The Hotspot is in the Control Controls group.

2. Resize the hotspot to fit this area.

Now click on the hotspot, to configure it in the component editor:

3. Select Open URL from the Type drop-down list.

4. Select Text from the drop-down list, and type in the URL text box.

5. Select Text from the drop-down list, and type Perth Weather in the Header text box. Note: if you leave out the Header, Explorer will open this URL with a header of "New Page".

6. Select Options from the first drop-down list, then New Explorer Tab from the second drop-down list.

7. Add another hotspot, position it over Adelaide on the map, and give the component the following properties:

  • Type: Open URL
  • URL:
  • Header: Adelaide Weather
  • Tab Type: New Explorer Tab

Test the Hotspot

You now have a fully functioning hotspot, that will open the Perth Weather page, in a new Explorer tab, when clicked.

  • Click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.
  • Hover over the Perth section of the image, then click.

The Perth Weather page opens in a new Explorer Tab.

The next tutorial describes how to open a new trend, and includes Variable Mapping.

Tutorial 2: Hotspot for Opening a New Trend

In this tutorial we'll practise adding a hotspot onto a text label, to open a New Trend in a separate Explorer Tab.

Using Variable Mapping, we'll configure the hotspot to send the selected Sample Method to the new trend.

This is a follow-on from Tutorial 1. There are three steps in the tutorial:

  • Step 1. Prepare the Page
  • Step 2. Add a Text Label and a Combo Box
  • Step 3. Add and Configure a Hotspot

Step 1. Prepare the Page

In this step, we're going to add to the page used in Tutorial 1. Well add another Precision Layout to one of the grid cells.

Related: Precision Layout and Grid Layout.

1. Open the page used in Tutorial 1.

2. Now drag a Precision Layout component onto the left cell of the secondary grid.

Step 2. Add a Text Label and a Combo Box

In this step, we're going to add and configure a Text Label and a Combo Box.

Related: Text Label and Combo Box.

1. Drag a Text Label onto the precision layout.

2. Update the Text Label's Content to: Open New Trend.

3. Drag a Combo Box onto the precision layout, above the text label.

Configure the Combo Box to interact with the Page Default pageSampleMethod.

4. Add the following list of values to Option Values: Average, LinearInterpolate, LastKnownValue, Raw.

5. Add the following list of values to Option Names: Average, Linear interpolate, Last known value, Raw.

6. In the Selected Option drop-down list, select pageSampleMethod. This is one of the Page Defaults.

Step 3. Add and Configure a Hotspot

In this step, we're going to drag a hotspot onto part of the image, and then configure it to open a New Trend in a new Explorer Tab.

Related: URL Formats

1. Drag a Hotspot component onto the page, and position it over the text label.

Now click on the hotspot, to configure it in the component editor:

2. Select New Trend from the Type drop-down list.

3. Select Options from the first drop-down list, then New Explorer Tab from the second drop-down list.

4. Click Add to add a Variable Mapping.

5. Select Variable from the drop-down list, and pageSampleMethod from the Source drop-down list.

6. Type sampleMethod in the Target edit box.

Test the Hotspot

You now have a fully functioning hotspot, that will open a new trend when clicked.

  • Click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.
  • Select Linear interpolate from the Combo Box.
  • Hover over the text: Open New Trend, then click.
  • A blank trend opens in a new Explorer tab.

Note how Linear interpolate is the selected Sample Method.

Comprehensive Reference

This section describes the properties of the Hotspot component.

Related: Link Action and Variable Mapping

Type Select a type of hyperlink for the hotspot:  
  Open Page Specify a Workspace Name, Page Name.  
  Open Trend Specify a Workspace Name, Trend Name.  
  New Trend No further details are required; Explorer opens a new, blank trend when a user clicks this type of hyperlink.  
  Open URL Specify the URL. You can also specify a Header. Unless the address begins with https the URL opens in a new tab in your web browser, regardless of the selected Tab Type.  
Workspace Name/URL For Open Page and Open Trend hotspot types, specify in which workspace the page or trend exists; this is because page names/trend names can be duplicated across different workspaces. For a URL hyperlink, specify a URL address; if the address starts with http, then it will open in a new browser tab; if the address starts with https the URL will open in Explorer.  
Trend Name/Page Name/Header For an Open Page/ Open Trend hotspot, specify which page/trend to open. For a URL hotspot, optionally specify a header.  
Tab Type This specifies where the page, trend or URL is opened. For Explorer displays (trends and pages) the options are: New Explorer Tab and Same Explorer Tab. For URLs, the options are New Explorer Tab, Same Explorer Tab and New Browser Tab.

Note, for URLs: Unless the address begins with https the URL opens in a new tab in your web browser, regardless of the selected Tab Type.

Variable Mapping Use Variable Mapping to pass variables from the current Explorer page to the page, trend or URL you are linking to.  
  Click Add to add a new variable mapping.  
  Each variable mapping needs a source (coming from the page you are on) and a target (for the trend/ page/ URL you are opening). The source and the target should have matching data types. See the tutorials for some examples.  
Source This can be a variable (such as a Combo Box's Selected Option, for example), or you can type in text or number (select Variable, Text, Number, List, Entity, or Entities as appropriate, from the drop-down list to the left of Source). You can also pass in a Yes/No value or a datetime value.
Target Type in the variable name for the target page/ trend, or a parameter name for the target URL. This must be an accurate match (case-sensitive). Read more about the names of common variables on pages and trends.
Remove Click Remove to remove the variable mapping.

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