Trace Table

This article applies to version 4.10 and later of P2 Explorer. For more, see Release History.

The Trace Table contains the details about traces that are plotted on the Trend, and is found at the bottom of the trend page.

The Trace Table

Each tag, attribute or calculation that is a trace on the trend is listed in the table.

The trace table:

1. Axis Click L or R to change the y-axis for the trace to the left or right of the trace window. Traces have a left y-axis by default.
2. Colour

Change the trace colour by clicking on the coloured square and:

  • Selecting a predefined colour, or
  • Setting a customized colour and opacity
3. Style

Click on the trace style to open the style options box and select from:

  •    Line
  •    Dot
  •    Area
  •    Dashed-Dot
  •  Step After
  •    Step Before
  •    Dashed
  •    Dotted

Note: This column only appears when the trend is in Time Series and Duration modes.

4. Show/Hide Trace Select to show the trace or clear to hide the trace.
5. Name

The trace Name is the full display name of the tag, attribute value or calculation. An attribute value may have an underlying value of a tag or a calculation.

Add an item name to the trace table by:

  • Dragging an item onto the trend
  • Typing the name of the item in the name field and using Auto-Complete

Edit an item name by double clicking on the trace name and using auto-complete.

The Name field contains a:

6. Description The description from the underlying tag, or calculation.
7. Scan Rate Shows the rate at which the source system stores raw data points; providing information as to why using certain tags may result in poor system performance. 
8. Value This shows the values for the respective items in the trace. If the trend has hairlines, then this is the current value from the latest hairline that was added or moved.
  Dual Hairline Statistics The Value column changes to a drop-down list of Dual Hairline Statistics options, if the trend is in Dual hairline mode and if two hairlines are selected. Select from one of the following options:
Time Weight Average The time weighted average calculated from the data between the two hairline positions
Value Difference The value difference calculated from the values at the two hairline positions
Time Difference The time difference between the two hairline positions
Standard Deviation The standard deviation calculated from the data between the two hairline positions
Min The minimum value in the data range defined by the two hairlines
Max The maximum value in the data range defined by the two hairlines
Minute Integral The integral between the two hairline positions, calculated in minutes
Hour Integral The integral between the two hairline positions, calculated in hours
Day Integral The integral between the two hairlines positions, calculated in days
Absolute Minute Integral The absolute integral between the two hairlines positions, calculated in minutes
Absolute Hour Integral The absolute integral between the two hairline positions, calculated in hours
Absolute Day Integral The absolute integral between the two hairline positions, calculated in days
SI Integral The sample interval integral calculated from the data between the two hairline positions
Absolute SI Integral The absolute sample interval integral calculated from the data between the two hairline positions
Average The average of the data points defined by the two hairlines

Note: The values and statistics in the trace table are calculated using the last known value before each hairline position, whereas the hairline information panel shows the interpolated value at the hairline position.

This column only appears when the trend is in Time Series mode.

9. Units The units from the underlying tag or calculation.
10. Min The minimum value from the underlying tag or calculation's Display Range (on P2 Server). Click in the box to edit the value. To reset its minimum value as stored in P2 Server, click the on the right of the value. Clicking Auto Range on the trend ribbon updates all of the minimum and maximum values, so that all data points are visible on the trend.
 11. Max The maximum value from the underlying tag or calculation's Display Range (on P2 Server). Click in the box to edit the value. To reset its maximum value as stored in P2 Server, click the on the right of the value. Clicking Auto Range on the trend ribbon updates all of the minimum and maximum values, so that all data points are visible on the trend.
12. Align Range Use to align the minimum and maximum to a specified tag. When you click on the vertical double arrow , the minimum and maximum of all traces change to match that of the selected row. To revert, click Auto Range on the Trend ribbon.
13. Indicators Any issues with the data or the data fetch are indicated by an error icon. Hover over the icon to view error details. 
14. Delete To remove the trace from the trend, click the trash icon.

Additional Features

  • If XY Mode is the selected Plot Mode in the toolbar, the X-Axis selector column is shown in the trace table. Click the radio button next to an item, to assign it to the X-Axis.

  • The trace selected in the table is displayed at the front on the chart.

  • To adjust the height of the Trace Table, click and drag its top border.

Read more: XY Mode

Keyboard Shortcuts

These keyboard shortcuts can be used in the trace table:

  • Arrow Keys: Use the up and down arrows to select a new item in the trace window. If you are editing the Display Min or Display Max of a trace item, use the up and down arrows to increase/decrease by 1.
  • Delete Key: Remove the selected trace from the trend.
  • Esc Key: Cancel out of whatever you are editing.
  • Spacebar: Toggle between showing and hiding the selected trace item.

Trace Name

The item’s Name in the trace table has the following features:

  • The name is preceded by an icon that indicates what it is
  • An information icon linking to the Point Details
  • A pencil icon linking to the Calculation Editor.
  • There is a function icon linking to the Quick Functions.
  • The Name edit box has Auto-Complete functionality for tags and attributes.
  • The name for an attribute value is displayed as: Entity -> Attribute -> Attribute value

The following icons provide information regarding the trace item:

Icon Item Icon Item
Tag An invalid definition, for example an incomplete attribute definition
Calculation Templated attribute
Attribute: This is the icon for the entity’s primary template, and can vary (e.g. )   OR Attribute (where the entity’s primary template does not have an icon)


When you start typing a name directly into the Name column for a new item in the trace table, a list of tags, calculations and entities appears, where the name or description matches the search text.

If you are adding an attribute value, you can do this using auto-complete, starting with the entity name, and qualifying until you have the attribute value, as follows:

1. Type in part of the entity name, then select an entity (TWell 1) from the list of entities and tags.

Note: You can also type in wildcard characters (* or ?) if you are searching for a pattern, such as in the screenshot below where we are searching for TWell?1* (all tags/tag descriptions or entities that start with TWell, followed by a character or space, followed by 1, followed by one or more characters). Read more about Searching with Wildcard Filtering.


2. Select a template (Oil Producing Well) from the list of templates for that entity.


3. Select an attribute (Alloc Oil) from the selected template’s list of attributes.


4. Select an attribute value (Actual) from the selected attribute’s list of attribute values.


The fully-qualified display name appears in the Name column of the trace table.

Calculation Editor

Each item in the trace table has a pencil icon in the Name column, linking to the Calculation Editor, so that you can add calculations to your trend. (The Calculation Editor can also be used to create a Templated Trend.)

To edit a calculation from the trend, or save to a new calculation, click the corresponding pencil icon in the trace table.

In the Calculation Editor add a new, or edit an existing, calculation. You can then save the calculation to a new name, to an existing name, or use it as an ad hoc calculation for this particular trend.

Note: You can also type a calculation directly into the Name column.

Read more: Calculation Editor

Quick Functions

You can open the Quick Functions, Cumulative (Sample Interval), Cumulative (Hour) or Cumulative (Day), for a tag or attribute value from a trend's trace table.

Hover over a row in the trace table, then click the quick function icon.

The function is added as a new ad hoc calculation trace.

Point Details

You can open Point Details for a tag or attribute value from a trend's trace table.

Hover over a row in the trace table, then click the information icon.

The Point Details for the tag or attribute value opens in a new Explorer tab.

Note: only tags and attribute values have an information icon.

Read more: Point Details

Trace Table Video

Watch: the video below to see some of the trace table functionality in action.

Several different steps are demonstrated in the video:

  • Error message is viewed and dismissed.
  • Error item is deleted from the trace table.
  • Calculation item is viewed in the calculation editor.
  • Various Min and Max values are manually updated and changed back to configured values.
  • Colour and opacity are updated for a trace item.
  • A trace item is given an area style, and another one is given a dot style.
  • Right Y-Axis is chosen for some of the items.
  • The XY Mode is chosen, from the Plot Mode on the toolbar, and we allocate the X-Axis to an item (note how the X-Axis column is added to the table).
  • The Time Series Mode is chosen (note how the X-Axis is no longer shown in the table).
  • Some of the trace items are hidden from the trace.
  • A single hairline is added (note the Value column in the trace table).
  • Dual hairlines are added, and the Value column changes to dual hairline statistics (note the various statistics that are selected in the trace table).
  • Point Details are opened for a tag and for an attribute value.


Release History


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