Fields (4.0)

This article applies to version 4.0 of P2 Explorer. For the latest help, see Fields.

Fields are the properties that appear in an entry; in Shift Log, this means in the log panel table in a workbook and in the entry dialog. Fields must be assigned to a Form in order for them to appear in Shift Log. The same field (such as Category) can be assigned to many Forms, so they are created independently of a Form.

Related: Workbooks, Entry Form, Forms

Some fields come configured by default and are reserved for system use. 

To create a new Field in P2 Server Management:

1. Open P2 Server Management, and click the Shift Log  icon. 

2. Click Fields.

3. Click Add Field.

4. In the Field Details section on the right, type a Name that is not already being used and does not contain any reserved characters. 

Related: Reserved Characters & Keywords

5. Type a Display Name - this will be the name of the field that you will see in Shift Log wherever users need to specify a field, such as in filters. This does not need to be unique, but is required. You can also optionally provide a Description.

6. Next, choose a Data Type from the list. Certain data types have additional options associated with them.

Boolean This field will appear as a check box in the dialog, and in that table will appear as a True or False value. There are no additional options to choose for Boolean values.

In the dialog, this will allow users to choose a date and time by using a date/time picker. You can specify the format in which the date and time will appear in the table.

Note that the Date format takes into account the user's locale settings. So day, month and year are displayed in the correct order based on their browser locale.

Various selections are available to make it easier to customise the format. A preview is shown that will update as you choose the various options.

You can choose to hide the date and time, but both are shown by default. 


A number field which allows you to specify the number of decimal places a user can enter in the field.


In the dialog, the user can type part of the entity’s name, and the resulting list will show the top 10 matches to choose from. You can choose to restrict the available entities to a certain hierarchy or template.

Integer A number field in which users can only enter a whole number. There are no additional options to choose for Integer values.

This field type allows the user to choose items from a pre-defined Named List. You can also specify whether only a single item should be selected, or if multiple items can be selected.


This field type allows the user to type free-format text into a field. You can choose whether this should be a single line of text, or if more text can be added. A text formatting toolbar will be displayed if multi-line text is chosen.


In the dialog, the user can type part of a person’s name, and the resulting list will show the top 10 matches to choose from. There are no additional options to choose for User values.

7. When you have finished, click the Save button in the top right corner.

You can now add this field to a Form.

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