Entry Dialog

This article applies to version 4.14 and later of P2 Explorer. Note, some screenshots on this page may be of earlier versions. For more, see Release History.

The entry dialog consists of two main parts, the entry form, which is used to create and edit entries, and the entry dialog tabs.

Entries are used in A-Plus, Case Management and Shift Log.

Entries are a record of cases, events or activities that have occurred and may need to be tracked for monitoring or reporting purposes.

The entry dialog:

1.   Entry Form Used to enter and edit entry details. The fields on an entry form will vary between forms and form types, and each type of form will contain a different set of mandatory fields.
2.   Entry Actions
Share, copy, create action, edit action and delete, entry actions may be available. 
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Close the dialog
3.   Entry Dialog Tabs

The available tabs vary between applications and may be a label or an icon:


Shift Log and Case Management

4.   Authors

System fields that show who created, and modified the entry, and when.

5.   Save Actions

Used to save or discard the entry, and close the dialog. The available actions vary between applications.

Entry Form

The entry form is used to add new entries, and to edit existing entries.

Read more: Adding, Editing and Deleting Entries.

The Entry Form:

1.   Title

The title of the form:

  • Shows if an entry is being added or edited
  • Displays other information about the entry
  • Varies between applications
  Case Management Shift Log A-Plus
New Entry Create New Case Add Entry - Form Name Create Event
Edit Entry ID - Title Edit Entry -  Form Name ID - Edit Event Type Event
Draft Entry ID - Title
Edit Entry -  Form Name
2.   Form Icons The icon and label show the type of entry, and the entry type or the form name.
Multiple icons indicate shared entries and are a feature of Case Management and Shift Log.
3.   Fields

Fields on the form that can be filled in and saved to create an entry.

A field with a:

  • Grey background cannot be edited (these are updated automatically by the system)
  • Light red background is an overdue entry
  • Blue outline is the active field
  • Red outline is mandatory
  • Asterisk beside the name indicates a required system field

Note: Different forms contain different fields, and are used for different purposes.

Related: Form Configuration

Overdue Entries

Entries become overdue if the current date/time is past the date/time in the Due Date field.

Overdue entries have a pale red background colour in the Shift Log and Case Management entry tables, and in the Due Date field in the entry dialogs.

If a user is assigned to an entry that has a Due Date, the due date is shown in the Notifications in the Info Zone.

Release History

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