Bullet Graph

This article applies to version 4.5.4 and later of P2 Explorer. For more, see Release History.


The Bullet Graph is similar to a horizontal bar chart but allows users to compare two values in relation to one another.

For example, an actual value (represented by a horizontal bar) and a target value (represented by a vertical line).

The following diagram shows a Bullet Graph being configured:

Actual: The actual value of interest. This is represented in the bullet graph by the blue horizontal bar.
Target: The value that we are aspiring to reach, such as a sales target. This is represented in the bullet graph by the black vertical line. If the Measures are expressed as a percentage, the component will use this field to calculate the actual percentage value for comparison with the measures. 
Measure 1 - Measure 3: The values for up to three different comparative segments, each represented by a grey section. This can be used to specify different thresholds, such as good, OK, and bad.
Percentage: Select this check box if the Measures are expressed as a percentage of the target.
Reversed: Select this check box to invert the Actual and Target values. This has the effect of switching the background gradients.
Style: The style to apply to the Bullet Graph. If you are a Style Administrator, you can add a new Bullet Graph style.

Related: Using the Bullet Graph, Styling a Bullet Graph 

Tutorial: Target vs Planned

If you're unfamiliar with the process of building pages, read the article Building an Explorer Page.

The Bullet Graph is a useful component to display comparisons with several measures. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use the Bullet Graph to display actual vs planned production data for a selected well. This is often used in production summary reports. The graph will change depending on the entity that is selected from an Option Links. At the end of the tutorial, your page should look something like this:

Let’s go through this process, step-by-step.

Note: This configuration uses the Sample Data table and datasets that can be optionally made available during initial installation and setup. If you don't have access to this data, you will need to adjust the configuration to suit your data at your site.


Step 1. Prepare a Studio Page

New Page button on ribbon

Before you start, click the New Page button on the Home tab of the ribbon. Choose the Grid layout.

  • For this exercise, we'll keep the 4 grid cells.
  • Add another column.
  • Assign the first and second columns a width of 300.
  • Assign a column spacing of 10.
  • Assign the first row a height of 50.
  • Assign a row spacing of 10.

Related: Grid Layout tutorial


Step 2.  Set the Defaults

The Bullet Graph displays data for a particular entity. We will use the selectedEntity variable to define the entity of interest. 

Although this variable exists as a default value, no value has been assigned to it. We want the initial value of the Bullet Graph to show data for the well, Archer. We can set that here.

  • Click the Defaults button in the Studio tab of the ribbon.
  • Update the value for selectedEntity to: Archer

In the next steps, when we configure the Bullet Graph, we will see values for the Archer well. If we did not specify the default here, a "No data" message would appear instead of the bullet graph.

Related: Variables, Default Values


Step 3. Add the Bullet Graph

Drag and drop the Bullet Graph component onto a grid cell. The Bullet Graph is in the Chart chartsicon_sm group.


Step 4. Configure the Bullet Graph

In this example, we want the Bullet Graph to change according to the entity selected from the Option Links. Configure the Bullet Graph as follows.

Related: Data Selector, Variables

Configuring the Actual value

  • Open the Actual Data Selector by clicking on the field. Click the Dataset Dataset icon tab, and fill in the fields as follows:
Field Click This First Parameter to Enter Notes
Dataset Query Dataset icon (Dataset) WellPlanningData Click the Dataset Dataset icon tab.
Filter Column  (List) Entity Select this from the drop-down list.
Filter Value Variable 4.4 (Variable) selectedEntity You will need to type this in, it will not be available for selection.
Value Column  (List) OilActual See Filter Column and Filter Value for more information on how these fields work.
EndDate Variable 4.4 (Variable) endTime Select the variable from the drop-down list. This will adopt the end time configured as the page default.
EntitiesList Variable 4.4 (Variable) selectedEntity Select the variable from the drop-down list. If it is not available, you will need to type this in. This will adopt the default value for the selected entity, as per the previous step.
StartDate Variable 4.4 (Variable) startTime Select the variable from the drop-down list. This will adopt the start time configured as the page default.

Bullet Graph 4.4


Click the Preview button to check that you are getting data. If the preview window is blank, you may have filled in a parameter incorrectly.


Configuring the Target:

  • Click away from the Data Selector.
  • Open the Actual Data Selector by clicking on the field. Click the Dataset Dataset icon tab, and fill in the fields as follows:
Field Click This First Parameter to Enter Notes
Dataset Query Dataset icon (Dataset) WellPlanningData Click the Dataset Dataset icon tab.
Filter Column  (List) Entity  
Filter Value Variable 4.4 (Variable) selectedEntity You will need to type this in, it will not be available for selection.
Value Column  (List) OilPlanned See Filter Column and Filter Value for more information on how these fields work.
EndDate Variable 4.4 (Variable) endTime  
EntitiesList Variable 4.4 (Variable) selectedEntity You will need to type this in, it will not be available for selection.
StartDate Variable 4.4 (Variable) startTime  

Bullet Graph 4.4

Configuring Measure 1:

With the values for the measures, we're going to specify them in percentages of the target value.

  • Open the Measure 1 Data Selector by clicking on the field. Stay on the Value Data selector Value icon tab. 
  • Type 10 into the Value field.

Here we are saying that the first measure point will be 10% of the target value. 

Bullet Graph 4.4

Configuring Measure 2:

  • Open the Measure 2 Data Selector by clicking on the field. Stay on the Value Data selector Value icon tab. 
  • Type 50 into the Value field.

Here we are saying that the 2nd measure point will be 50% of the target value.

Bullet Graph 4.4

Configuring Measure 3:

  • Open the Good Data Selector by clicking on the field. Stay on the Value Data selector Value icon tab. 
  • Type 90 into the Value field.

Here we are saying that the 3rd measure point will be 90% of the target value.

Bullet Graph 4.4

Configuring the Percentage:

With the measures, we have specified them as percentages of the target value. We need to make sure the component is aware of this, so we need to set this here.

  • Open the Percentage Data Selector by clicking on the field. Stay on the Value Data selector Value icon tab. 
  • Select the Value check box.

Bullet Graph 4.4


If we wanted to reverse the measures (essentially swap the background gradients around) we need to specify that here. 

In this example, we are not going to do that, so please proceed to the next step.


Step 5. Add and Configure Option Links

This Option Links will provide a list of entities that the user can select from. The Bullet Graph will change accordingly.

  • Drag and drop an Option Links component onto the page.
  • Open the Option Values Data Selector by clicking on the field. Add the following 5 values: Archer, Brumby, Ibis, Hottes, Beardy.
    Bullet Graph 4.4
  • For the Selected Option field, choose selectedEntity from the drop-down list.

Related: Option Links tutorial


Step 6. All done!

Congratulations! You now have a Bullet Graph that will show you actual vs planned oil production for a selected well.

  • Click the preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in display mode.
  • Select different entities and observe the changes in the graph.

save Don’t forget to save your page!

Release History

  • Bullet Graph 4.5.4 (this release)
    • Last measure region obeys limits set in the editor, instead of filling the width of the container
    • Added a fixed padding on the right equal to 1/2 of the target line thickness (specified in the style setting)
    • The target bar is centred on the target value, instead of the left edge of the target bar corresponding with the target value
  • Bullet Graph 4.4.1
  • Bullet Graph 4.3.2

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