Hyperlink (4.5.2)

This article applies to versions 4.5.2-4.5.3 of P2 Explorer. For the latest, see Hyperlink.


The hyperlink component can be used to open an Explorer page or trend, or to open an external URL.

For a full description of the hyperlink properties, refer to the comprehensive reference at the end of this article.

Related: Adding a Hyperlink style, Link Action and Variable Mapping


Quick Start

This section explains how to set up a hyperlink in four steps.

Step 1. Content: The Hyperlink on your Page

The hyperlink is similar to a text label in appearance.

Type in a meaningful Content, including optional variables; this is what the user will see on your page.

Step 2. Type: What to Link to

You can link to any of the following:

  • Open Page, to open an existing Explorer Page
  • Open Trend, to open an existing Explorer Trend
  • New Trend, to open a new Explorer Trend
  • Open URL, to open an external URL

Select a Type from the drop-down list, then fill in its applicable details (Workspace/Page/Trend/URL/Heading).

Step 3. Tab Type: Where to Open

For Explorer displays (trends and pages) the options are: New Explorer Tab and Same Explorer Tab. For URLs, the options are New Explorer Tab, Same Explorer Tab and New Browser Tab.

Note, for URLs: Where Explorer is hosted on an unsecured site (http), you can open a secured (https) or unsecured (http) URL in an Explorer tab. If Explorer is hosted on a secured site (https), we recommend you open an unsecured (http) URL in a new browser tab.

Step 4. Variable Mapping: Sending Parameters from the Source Page

Use Variable Mapping to send values to the destination page, trend or URL.

Click Add, then select a Source and type in a Target value for the Variable Mapping. This must be an accurate, case-sensitive match.

The Source is a variable from your page. The Target must match the variable name on the destination page, trend, or URL. For pages and trends, this overrides Default Values.

Read more: Link Action and Variable Mapping



If you're unfamiliar with the process of building pages, read the article Building an Explorer Page.

There are four different types of hyperlink in Explorer, each covered in a separate tutorial.

Note: This configuration uses the Sample pages and trends that can be made available during initial installation and setup. If you don't have access to this, you will need to adjust the configuration to suit the pages and trends at your site.


Tutorial 1: Adding a Hyperlink to Open a Trend

Related: Creating a Trend

In this tutorial, we're going to create a hyperlink to an existing trend, usinag two page defaults, pageSampleMethod and pageSampleInterval, as variables in Variable Mapping.

Before you start this exercise, make sure you have a trend to open.

  • If you have access to the training environment, you should be able to use Operating Data trend, in the Tutorials workspace. You can search for the trend, to make sure you have it.
  • Otherwise, add a new trend, and save it.

Or, just skip to Tutorial 2, where you get to open a new, blank trend.

Note: Before you start the tutorial, prepare a page in Studio.

Step 1. Add and Configure a Hyperlink

1. Drag a hyperlink component onto a grid cell. The Hyperlink is in the Display Display group icon group.

2. Now configure the hyperlink:

Note: This step includes adding Variable Mapping. We'll be using two page defaults: pageSampleMethod and pageSampleInterval. Read more about Page Default Values here.

1. Content Type Open Operating Data Trend using Sample Method: in the Content edit box, then add a variable: pageSampleMethod. (Type in a more suitable name, if you are opening a different trend).
Adding a Variable to the Content: Click Add Variable, then select a variable (pageSampleMethod) from the drop-down list. (You can leave out this variable if you prefer, as it won't affect the hyperlink's behaviour in any way.)
2. Type Select Open Trend from the Type drop-down list.
3. Workspace Select Tutorials from the Workspace drop-down list. (Or select the workspace name where your own trend is saved.)
4. Trend Select Operating Data from the Trend drop-down list. (Or select the name of your own trend.)
5. Tab Type Select New Explorer Tab from the Tab Type drop-down list.
6. Add Click Add twice, to add two Variable Mappings.
7. Variable Mapping (first) Select Variable from the drop-down list, and pageSampleMethod from the Source drop-down list. Type sampleMethod in the Target edit box.
8. Variable Mapping (second) Select Variable from the drop-down list, and pageSampleInterval in the Source edit box. Type sampleInterval in the Target edit box.
9. Style Select Sub Title Font from the drop-down list. (Your list of Styles might not include this style; select your preferred style from the drop-down list.)
10. Alignment Click the middle left square to align the hyperlink text to the middle left (this overrides the style's alignment).

A note on Variable Mapping for Trends: Trends use specific default values, as outlined in the Variable Parameters section of how to Link to a Trend via a URL. For example, Trends have a parameter called sampleInterval, which uses seconds to control the sample interval in which trend data is collected.

This is how your grid cell should be looking now:

Step 2. Test your Hyperlink

Now that your hyperlink is set up, click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Click the hyperlink.

The Operating Data trend opens in a new Explorer tab. Note how the two Variable Mapping values have set the values for Sample Method and Sample Interval on the trend.

save Don't forget to save your page!


Tutorial 2: Adding a Hyperlink to Open a New Trend

Related: Creating a Trend, Link to a Trend via a URL

In this tutorial, we're going to create a hyperlink to a new trend, using the page default pageSampleInterval as a variable in Variable Mapping.

Note: Before you start the tutorial, prepare a page in Studio, or use the page from Tutorial 1.

Step 1. Add and Configure a Hyperlink

1. Drag a hyperlink component onto a grid cell.

2. Now configure the hyperlink:

Note: This step includes adding Variable Mapping. We'll be using a page default: pageSampleInterval. Read more about Page Default Values here.

1. Content Type Open a new trend in the Content edit box.
2. Type Select New Trend from the Type drop-down list.
3. Tab Type Select Same Explorer Tab from the Tab Type drop-down list.
4. Add Click Add, to add a Variable Mapping.
5. Variable Mapping Select Variable from the drop-down list, and pageSampleInterval from the Source drop-down list. Type sampleInterval in the Target edit box.
6. Style Select Sub Title Font from the drop-down list. (Your list of Styles might not include this style; select your preferred style from the drop-down list.)
7. Alignment Click the bottom left square to align the hyperlink text to the bottom left (this overrides the style's alignment).

A note on Variable Mapping for Trends: Trends use specific default values, as outlined in the Variable Parameters section of how to Link to a Trend via a URL. For example, Trends have a parameter called sampleInterval, which uses seconds to control the sample interval in which trend data is collected.

This is how your grid cells should be looking now:

Step 2. Test your Hyperlink

Now that your hyperlink is set up, click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Click the hyperlink.

A blank trend opens. Note how the Variable Mapping value has set the value for Sample Interval on the trend.

1. A new blank trend opens. Because the page with the hyperlink was not saved, the trend was opened in a new Explorer tab (not in the same Explorer tab, as configured).
2. The Sample Interval matches the interval from the page, because of variable mapping.
3. The message showing why the trend was not opened in the same Explorer tab: "This has been opened in a new tab so that you do not lose the changes to your studio page".


This time finish and open the page, so that the trend opens in the same Explorer tab.

1. Click the Finish and open button on the toolbar.

2. Click the hyperlink.

This time the blank trend opens in the same Explorer tab.


Tutorial 3: Adding a Hyperlink to Open an Explorer Page

In this tutorial, we're going to create a hyperlink to another Explorer Page.

Before you start this exercise, make sure you have a page to open.

If you have access to the training environment, you should be able to use the Charts Tutorial page, in the Tutorials workspace.

Note: Before you start the tutorial, prepare a page in Studio, or use the page from Tutorial 1.

Step 1. Add and Configure a Hyperlink

1. Drag a hyperlink component onto a grid cell.

2. Now configure the hyperlink:

1. Content Type Open Charts Page in the Content edit box.
2. Type Select Open Page from the Type drop-down list.
3. Workspace Select Tutorials from the Workspace drop-down list. (Or select the workspace name where your own page is saved.)
4. Page Select Charts Tutorial from the Page drop-down list. (Or select the name of your own page.)
5. Tab Type Select New Explorer Tab from the Tab Type drop-down list.
6. Add Click Add, to add a Variable Mapping.
7. Variable Mapping Select Text from the drop-down list, and type Location into the Source text box. Type selectedLevel in the Target edit box.
8. Style Select Sub Title Font from the drop-down list. (Your list of Styles might not include this style; select your preferred style from the drop-down list.)
9. Alignment Click the bottom left square to align the hyperlink text to the bottom left (this overrides the style's alignment).

This is how your grid cells should be looking now:

Step 2. Test your Hyperlink

Now that your hyperlink is set up, click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Click the hyperlink.

The Charts Tutorial page opens. Note how the Variable Mapping value (location) has set the value for the selectedLevel variable (shown in the Combo Box at the top left of the page).


Tutorial 4: Adding a Hyperlink to Open a URL

In this tutorial, we're going to create a hyperlink to an external URL.

This tutorial does not use variable mapping; if you are going to use variable mapping with an external URL, ensure that you know which parameters are available. Then reference, by name, the ones you use in the Target of the Variable Mappings.

Note: Before you start the tutorial, prepare a page in Studio, or use the page from Tutorial 1.

Step 1. Add and Configure a Hyperlink

1. Drag a hyperlink component onto a grid cell.

2. Now configure the hyperlink:

1. Content Type Open URL to Explorer Help Topic in the Content edit box.
2. Type Select Open URL from the Type drop-down list.
3. URL Select Text from the drop-down list, and type https://e4helpcenter.petroleumplace.com/help/p2-explorer/trends/creating-a-trend/ in the URL text box.
4. Header Select Text from the drop-down list, and type Explorer Trend Help in the Header text box. Note: if you leave out the Header, Explorer will open this URL with a header of "New Page".
5. Tab Type Select  New Explorer Tab from the Tab Type drop-down list.
6. Style Select Sub Title Font from the drop-down list. (Your list of Styles might not include this style; select your preferred style from the drop-down list.)
7. Alignment Click the middle left square to align the hyperlink text to the middle left (this overrides the style's alignment).

This is how your grid cells should be looking now:

Step 2. Test your Hyperlink

Now that your hyperlink is set up, click the Preview preview button on the Studio toolbar to see what your page will look like in run-time.

Click the hyperlink.

The Explore Help topic for creating a trend opens in a new tab within P2 Explorer. Note how this page is named Explorer Trend Help, using the Header property from the hyperlink.


Additional Scenarios

The above tutorials covered setting up basic hyperlinks for the various types.

In this section, we'll cover other possibilities:

  • Working with private pages and trends

  • Parameters for URLs

Working with Private Pages and Trends

If your hyperlink links to a private page or trend, then it is inaccessible to other users.

Follow these steps if the page containing the hyperlink is also private:

1. Keep the page containing the hyperlink private for now.

2. Submit the page or trend that the hyperlink's Page/Trend is using.

3. When that has been approved, submit the page containing the hyperlink.

You can do steps 2 and 3 together, but the hyperlink will be unavailable until this has been approved. You can add something in the Submission Comment to request that the related page or trend is approved with the main page.

Follow these instructions if the page containing the hyperlink is not private:

Submit the page or trend that the hyperlink's Page/Trend is using.

Note that the hyperlink will be inaccessible to other users until the page or trend it is linking to is no longer private.

Alternatively, submit the page or trend that you want to use, before using it in the hyperlink.

Read more: Publishing

Parameters for URLs

When you add parameters to a URL, use the variable mappings to take the page's state (current variable value) or literal values, and assign these to the URL's parameters.

The URL format is something like this: https://my-url.com/?[target]=[source]&[target]=[source], where each source and target pair is defined in the hyperlink's variable mapping:

For example: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Perth.

This is how this the Link Action is set up for the hyperlink, when a fixed value (Perth) is the parameter's source:

Here the parameter's source is a variable called City, which the user can change using a Combo Box or maybe a Text Input control:

The Explorer Trend URL

Here is an example of an Explorer trend using parameters for start time, end time, sample interval and hairline mode: https://perauthor01.petroleumplace.com/P2.Explorer/trend/?startTime=2%20weeks%20ago&endTime=1%20week%20ago&sampleInterval=43200&hairlineMode=Dual

This is how the parameters are defined with variable mapping:

Read more about the Variable Parameters that are used for an Explorer trend's URL.


Comprehensive Reference

This section describes the properties of the Hyperlink component. Options vary depending on what is being opened: a page, a trend, or a URL.

Content: The text you want to display in the hyperlink. This can include variable data (see Add Variable).
Add Variable: Click Add Variable if you want to add variable data to the content.
Link Action:

This is where you define the hyperlink, along with optional variable mapping.

Type: Select the type of hyperlink you want:  
Open Page Specify a Workspace, Page, and Tab Type.  
  Workspace: Specify in which workspace the page is stored; this is because page names can be duplicated across different workspaces.  
  Page: Specify which page to open (the list is limited to pages in the selected workspace).  
  Tab Type: Specify where the page is opened: New Explorer Tab or Same Explorer Tab.  
Open Trend Specify a Workspace, Page, and Tab Type.  
  Workspace: Specify in which workspace the trend is stored; this is because trend names can be duplicated across different workspaces.  
  Trend: Specify which trend to open (the list is limited to trends in the selected workspace).  
  Tab Type: Specify where the trend is opened: New Explorer Tab or Same Explorer Tab.  
New Trend Explorer opens a new, blank trend when a user clicks this type of hyperlink. Specify the Tab Type.  
  Tab Type: Specify where the trend is opened: New Explorer Tab or Same Explorer Tab.  
URL Specify the URL, Header, and Tab Type.  
  Tab Type: Specify where the URL is opened: New Explorer Tab, New Browser Tab, or Same Explorer Tab. Where Explorer is hosted on an unsecured site (http), you can open a secured (https) or unsecured (http) URL in an Explorer tab. If Explorer is hosted on a secured site (https), we recommend you open the URL in a new browser tab.  
Variable Mapping Use Variable Mapping to pass variables from the current Explorer page to the page, trend or URL you are linking to.  
  Click Add to add a new variable mapping.  
  Each variable mapping needs a source (coming from the page you are on) and a target (for the trend/ page/ URL you are opening). The source and the target should have matching data types. See the tutorials for some examples.  
Source This can be a variable (such as a Combo Box's Selected Option, for example), or you can type in text or number (select Variable, Text, Number, List, Entity, or Entities as appropriate, from the drop-down list to the left of Source). You can also pass in a Yes/No value or a datetime value.
Target Type in the variable name for the target page/ trend, or a parameter name for the target URL. This must be an accurate match (case-sensitive). Read more about the names of common variables on pages and trends.
Remove Click Remove to remove the variable mapping.
Style: You can change the style of the hyperlink font and alignment by selecting a different style from the drop-down list. If you are a Style Administrator, you can add a new Hyperlink style.
Alignment: Click on one of the boxes to override the selected style's alignment.
Position: Specify the position layer and co-ordinates if the hyperlink is in a precision layout, or specify the row and column if the hyperlink is in a grid layout .


Release History

  • Hyperlink 4.5.2 (this release)
    • Ability to override the style's alignment
    • Hyperlink 4.5.0

    • When Explorer is set up on an HTTP website, you can now open HTTP URLs in an Explorer tab.
  • Hyperlink 4.4.0
    • Updated the help to reflect changes in the Explorer framework.
  • Hyperlink 4.4.4
    • The default value for Type has changed from 'Open Page' to 'Select Type'.
    • For the ‘Open Trend’ type, the drop-down lists for workspaces is filtered to those that contain trends.
    • For the ‘Open Page’ type, the drop-down lists for workspaces is filtered to those that contain pages.
  • Hyperlink 4.3.2


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